March 24, 2011


So Peter and I have attempted to create a budget countless times and quite often Peter gets a little frustrated with my declaration to create a budget and limit our spending even more than we do simply becuase he doesn't know how much MORE we can actually cut costs!  And to be fair, the man is right - we live VERY simply, or so we think, and the thought of making even more financial sacrifices doesn't sound all that exciting, but we don't keep track of our spending. 

So this past Friday, while soaking my bathingsuit clad body in a hottub with 4 beautiful women, we started talking money, budgets and family spending.  One was mentioning how much money her family spent each month on food - one husband, two young daughters, and herself = $1,000.  Another friend said she spent $75 every two weeks on food - one young woman = $75.  And another friend mentioned that they spend around $300 a month on food, or maybe it was a bit more?? - I truly can't remember.  So then thats one young women and her husband = around $300.  And then came my turn and I honestly declared that I had NO idea!!  I mean I could guess, but the reality was that I didn't know the exact answer, and I realized that I wasn't as in touch with my finances as I thought I was.

So this past weekend I decided to update our Mint account and to finally take charge of our finances!  Our budget won't officially start until April 1 considering we have already spent the bulk of our money for the month of March, and we won't really be cutting BACK spending as much as we will be tracking it.

So if you have any great budgeting tips or ways to cut costs EVEN more - please let me know!  I am all ears and extremely interested.  We get the keys to our house TODAY and I am sure alot of our new expenses will be on home improvements - such as the yard, paint, plants, etc.  So if you have any fabulous do it yourself projects - I would LOVE to hear about them!

1 comment:

  1. Malia! So excited to read this post this morning. Nick and I spent all last night talking budgeting. I have a really good spreadsheet template to send you that's been very helpful to both of us. What's your e-mail?


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