March 25, 2011

It's Official!!

So people...IT IS OFFICIAL!  Peter and I are home owners in every sense of the word!  And it feels so very surreal.  I kept freaking out at various moments throughout the night and stating THIS IS OUR HOUSE...THIS WHOLE THING IS OURS!! 

On our way to the house last night I called my dad, and I know it sounds a little dorky, but I was so close to crying.  I was truly on the verge of tears.  My parents are in Hawaii right now - tough life huh?? - and I just wish SOO bad they were going to be around to help this weekend.  My dad apologized for not being there, and I said it's okay, and he went on to say, "no it's not okay, it's a big deal...I wish we could be there!"  And I said...I do too dad, I do too...and I was shocked at how emotional I was getting about the whole thing!

But then I realized that it IS a big deal - buying a house IS a big deal!  And the whole thing has felt SOO surreal up until the point of move in.  I just feel soo blessed beyond measure to be in a place financially to BUY a real house.  And it's not a fixer upper - it's the cutest, most character filled house, and I am soo excited to call it mine..well ours really, but you get the point!

So let me tell you about the things I am excited about.

1. PAINTING!!  people I had never painted before...and I loved it!  There is something so special about painting a room and making it look so fresh and brand new.
2. UNPACKING all of our stuff finally and finding new homes for it all!
3. ALL of our delightful furniture my generous friend has let Peter and I borrow for the year!
4. having people over and having a GUEST bedroom - Peter is ALSO really excited about this and our first overnight visitor will be my brother on Saturday, and then two girls from Sierra Leone on Wednesday and his parents for a few weeks in May and his brother for a few months in October!! 
5. YARDWORK! and spring time and seeing all the beautiful flowers come up that the previous owner planted.
6. and I am really excited about our garage and being able to store things in our garage rather than in our house...=) simple pleasures!
7. and lastly...I am super excited that we have already painted the kitchen, our bedroom, touched up the paint on the walls, more or less set up the guest room with furniture and sheets - Peter and I slept there last night! - and cleaned a little bit

Now let me tell you the bits I was NOT excited about last night and continue to NOT be excited about.

1. showing up at 9:20 to find the owner STILL at the house! - technically she was suppose to be out by 9, but didn't end up exiting the house until 9:45.
2. standing/sitting outside the house while waiting for her to leave and while the rain beats down on the bed in the truck!
3. CLEANING!  I guess the seller doesn't have to clean before she leaves, which is understandable I suppose, but makes for an extra lot of work for the buyer!  So we will be doing that over the next few days = not so much fun.
4. the lack of sleep!!! oh my goodness...we got there at 9:45 and didn't fall asleep until 5 AM and then I woke up at 7 for work.  but I must say my dear friend/ boss, Cristy, is a machine and we never would have been able to do it without her.
5. ALL the stuff we still have left to do - paint the bathroom, clean the house, unpack all the boxes, yard stuff and some other man things!

But the beautiful thing is...we have TIME because we won't be moving for awhile.  Pictures to come in the future.

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