March 29, 2011


I am sure we all have that ONE pair of jeans that we absolutely love putting on - that pair that is worn a little more than the others - that feels like a glove on your legs - that has a special place in your drawer and in your heart.  And if you don't have a favorite pair, then you need to go out right now and find one!

So I have a few pairs of jeans, but none that I loved and adored as much as these ones, and as you can tell from the picture something sad and tragic has happened.  My absolute favorite pair of jeans that have only been in my life for a short 6 months RIPPED last Friday.
I ripped them at work and to be honest it was rather deveastating.  I just bent down a little to gather some robes out of a basket and felt as though something hit me on the back of my leg.  Upon further investigation, I discovered that my jeans had ripped pretty close to the crotch and that cold blast of air I felt on my upper leg was from this said rip.  So for the rest of the day I waddled around the salon and bent down at the waist to pick things up.  It was all rather successful until I got into my car to go home - and the act of bending down to get into my car ripped them a bit more and the act of getting out of my car ripped them even further.
So bye bye jeans - we have had a good, but short journey together and I will miss you terribly!  So RIP ripped jeans.  But don't worry folks I bought them at Anthropologie and they are really good about returning/exchanging things - so I will soon be returning them and hopefully I will be able to find a fair replacement for them.  I'll keep you posted!

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