March 8, 2011

A Dog.

So now that we have a house, or almost have a house, people have been asking us about dogs!  Are we getting a dog???  I mean we do have a yard for a dog, but a dog??  So much responsibility!  And if we travel or leave for a long period of time or even for a long weekend who is going to look after the dog??  We would have to get a dog sitter or take our dog to a kennel or something.  I mean a dog??

I mean all of this is coming from the girl that thinks plants are even a hassle.  But don't get me wrong, I love our plants and Peter teases me ALL the time about them and my remarks on their growth!  I can only imagine how I would be with a dog.  And to be honest, I would probably LOVE it to bits, but I don't like the idea of being tied down to something, and the thought of being homeowners is a big enough responsibility for us right now....right???

But tell me...what's a girl to do when her husband sends her an email with the subject line "Just saying!" and a link to this photo....

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