March 12, 2011

Mad Men.

So Peter and I have finally done it - we have started watching Mad Men.  Season One is finished and we have now moved onto Season Two.
Peter watched the first few discs of Season One without me so I had some catching up to do.  But let me tell you my husband sure had a lot to say about the show before I even had a chance to start it!  HE swore I wasn't going to like it because racism and misogyny were rampant.  I wouldn't necessarily classify myself as a feminist, but I definitely have strong views on gender roles and gender equality, and my husband is extremely familiar with them!  
So Peter reported that these guys drank ALOT and smoked ALOT even during the DAY!  And as soon as a guy walked into the office a girl would take his hat and coat and hang it up for him!  And to top it all off everyone was having sex with everyone!  Peter was beside himself with the gender discrimination and the racism. 
So I had to watch it for myself…and I like it way more than he thought I would!!  But while watching it, I couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like to grow up during this time, especially for a woman.  It was such a man's world back then, and to be honest, I still feel like it is at times.  And every time I watch it I am reminded of my grandma and her never-ending frustration with the gender limitations and the discrimination that were so rampant during her time.  And I understand her frustration.  And times have changed, and women have come a long way in the past 50 years, especially in the United States, but I can't help but wonder about the women in other countries??  What is their life like today?  Do they have the same freedoms as I?  Probably not.

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