March 30, 2011

Sharing is Caring.

So I recently read this article called the Gen Y Guide to Collobarative Consumption.  I think I fall in that Generation Y category and to be honest - I really loved this article!  The author is basically saying that this generation doesn't feel the NEED to OWN everything, but rather we see the value in SHARING things and access to something is nearly the same as ownership right?? - and this is what she means by collaborative consumption or the sharing economy.

This idea of Collaborative Consumption is also explained HERE.

But truly sharing is caring and instead of owning everything and each of us having our own of everything, why not try sharing things??  After reading this article I couldn't help but think of my dear friend and boss Cristy who has kindly loaned SOOO many of her delightful things, including yard tools, to Peter and I for the time being!!  She has shared soo many of her things with us so we don't have to go out and buy our own - at least not right now.  But isn't it a beautiful concept??  Why do we need one of everything if someone else has it and is willing to let us use it when we need to - like a wheelbarrow, or a truck, or gardening tools, or a fishing pole...and the list could go on and on and on.

So please...if anyone is interested in sharing ...let me know!

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