March 31, 2011


Tonight we said goodbye to our apartment and to be quite honest I was a little sad!  We have had some good times in that place and I will never ever forget our first year of marriage in our first home!  And I am excited for our next adventure in our house, but it still didn't make it any easier to hand over the keys.  I couldn't help but wonder WHO was going to be living there next.  Would they love it as much as we did??  Would they take care of the apartment and be nice to our neighbors??  Would they attend the community events and take advantage of the amenities space?

It was hard to walk away from this apartment - so many memories, so many good moments and I am now getting a little nostalgic.  But the best part of it all is that even if we walk away from our apartment, we will never walk away from all the memories and we will take those with us wherever we go and wherever we live.  And even though I know all of this - I can't help but feel a little sad as we look around our empty apartment for one last time.  And as we close the door behind us for one last time we are closing the door on this chapter of our lives.

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