April 18, 2011

The Desert.

So something I have been reminded of while here is that I love the heat, but I dislike the dry dessert.  I mean I love my trees and I love the color green - not a huge fan of brown!  It is so desserty here and all the dryness is starting to drive me a little crazy!  My eyes are all dry, my mouth is all dry, my boogers are all dry...it is all taking me a little bit longer to get use to all of this.

So a few days ago we did a little hike called Bump and Grind...reminds me of that song by R. Kelly...I don't see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind...anyhow...the hike was good, but really hot and it was all uphill...and everyone seemed to be going the OTHER direction - as we were going up, people were coming down.  Made me a little nervous to be honest - wondered if we had gone the wrong way!  But it was a loop - so you couldn't really go wrong nor could you lose your way, but the way we chose was uphill the majority of the hike and then downhill like 1/4 of it...so maybe we did go the wrong way!

Anyhow..here are some pictures from the hike to depict the brown dessert of this place!

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