April 17, 2011


Wow I just finished this book Unbroken, and all I can say is ...WOW...I am dying to talk to someone about it.  And while reading the entire book I kept telling my dad that he HAD to read it - most of my book recommendations to my father have been right on, but a few have been extremely disappointing!  So he of course was a little hesitant to respond positively to my request.

But truly it is an amazing World War II story that follows the life of a past Olympian into war where he overcomes obstacle after obstacle after obstacle.  It is a beautiful story about faith, hope and love and the resilience of the human spirit.  I could write so much more about it, but so many people have already done it for me.  So check out some reviews HERE and a NY Times review HERE and a Seattle PI review HERE.

I would definitely recommend it if you are in to true stories and especially ones about World War II.  I must admit though, it started off a little slow for me, but then by 25% of the way in I was hooked!  There did come a time BEFORE I had even finished the book where I wanted to google the main character just so I could find out RIGHT THEN what happened to him.  But instead of giving into the temptation, I dove deeper into the book.  And even though I am extremely pleased with the way it ended, I was extremely sad to finish the final page of the book.  Anyhow check out the reviews and if interested...give it a read!

Just a warning that the video may spoil the book a bit!

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