April 24, 2011

Good Friday.

One of my dear friends, Lindsey Robinson, has recently entered into the blogging world, and her post about Good Friday was just so beautiful and thought provoking ...and I figured I couldn't say it any better - so I wanted to post some of her thoughts.  

She writes about the film, Passion of the Christ, and how she struggles to watch it.  And let's be honest - I don't know anyone who DOESN'T struggle watching that film - maybe those who have yet to watch it?  But she writes that she simply cannot bear to see the crucifixion of Christ on screen, and this youtube video is about as close as she can get! 

So of course I watched the clip and as I was watching it, Lindsey's thoughts were coursing through me.  When watching it you can't help BUT think of Mary..."what must she have been going through as she looked at her son that day?  What pain, anguish, sorrow, confusion and anger must she have felt - didn't she want to rip the whip out of the soldier's hands and save her son?  

Lindsay writes that we get a tiny picture of what Mary's world must have been like ...how she may have been feeling on that day some 2000 years ago....her world was being torn apart with grief and terror.  Was this really how it was meant to be?  Was this really the plan?  And yet she finds comfort in Jesus' words - I am making all things new again - trust me...this is how it is suppose to be.  

Lindsay writes, "In thinking of Mary - I can't help but be drawn to think of another...another parent on that day - GOD.  What must it have been like for him to watch his son suffer like this?  Not only must he have wanted to rip the whip from the soldier's hands but he also had the power to do it...and yet he didn't."

Jesus even cries out...My god, my god, why have you forsaken me??  Jesus feels abandoned....And yet God stays still and he stays silent.  Why?  Because this was HIS plan.  He was making all things new again.  He was thinking of me...he was thinking of you...he was thinking of all creation.  It came at a price, a high price - one I couldn't pay nor would necessarily want to pay.  I mean look at what it cost Jesus - so much pain, anguish and so much suffering.  

In Lindsay's post she writes...Today is Good Friday (this was on good friday!).  Really?  Good Friday?  It's Good Friday because Sunday is coming...and on Sunday He rises!

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