April 24, 2011


So yes, it is Easter, and as I started to write this post this morning, I wandered over once again to my friend Lindsay's blog to see what she had to say about this day.  Once again I found myself in awe of her beautiful words and once again I will be revisiting some of those thoughts here.

Lindsay's words remind me that not only did Christ conquer death and rise from the dead, but He now dwells among us and within us. And Easter Sunday is a day to celebrate and rejoice in that knowledge that Christ is Risen - and then we hug one another and rejoice together and leave church overwhelmed by the God we serve and that we are privileged enough to called His children.

And then Monday comes...and Easter is over and we forget the grand story of Christ's death and His resurrection and go back to the mundane story that is our lives.  But the catch is...that isn't it and it shouldn't be it.  There is so much more because ...the spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in us.  

But come Monday we forget this...at least I know I do.  I forget this every single day - not just on Monday.  I fall back into my normal routine that quickly forgets that the "same power that conquered the grave lives in me." 

Lindsay goes on to write..."surely that would be cause for more celebration, daily celebration, not apathy or an acceptance of the mundane?  and yet it happens...year after year.  I forget that the God of the impossible, of the empty tomb and the risen Christ, dwells in me...I forget that He gives me strength when I am weak, He gives me reason to hope when things seem hopeless...I shy away from things that seem too big for me, but which are possible for God.  I choose sin and I choose my own way because it seems easier than calling on His spirit to help me stand strong.  I deny Him, instead of proclaiming Him - I hold grudges, instead of forgiving, and I would rather see things through my partial sight than have eyes of faith.  I quickly forget that not only did Jesus die for me and rise again, but now  His Holy Spirit lives in me."

Gosh I love Easter and I, like Lindsay, love the celebration...but she is right - He gives me enough reason to celebrate Him EVERY single day of my life...and it is because of the Easter Story and Christ's sacrifice that I can proudly proclaim the same power that conquered the grave lives in me!

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