April 11, 2011

Knowing what you want.

A guy came into the salon last week to buy a product.  He walked right in, went straight to the shelf and grabbed exactly what he was looking for!  The whole process was really fast and I told him that.  I said it helped that he knew exactly what he was looking for, and he said yeah it helps to know what you want in every aspect of life.

And I loved his comment so much that I took that comment and slipped it into my back pocket for a rainy day!  His comment is so true!  It does help to know what you want or so I think it does in every single aspect of life.

Think wedding dress....I knew EXACTLY what I wanted for my wedding dress and wasn't going to settle for anything else even though my mother informed me it was going to be impossible to find the PERFECT dress.  Well folks...don't give up hope because I found it!  But it helped that I knew what I wanted.

Think shopping...I know what I like and what I don't like...and I am not going to buy something that I don't like!  It also helps to know what you want before you leave the house in ALL circumstances even if you are shopping for food, home things, or clothes.

Think house hunting...it REALLY helps to know what you want!  You can make a list of the non-negotiables and the negotiables and take it from there, but if you don't know WHAT you are looking for then the whole thing could be a disaster.

Think food...it helps to know what you like to eat so you can choose the appropriate food for your liking whether you are at the store or a restaurant...I mean I suppose it is good to branch out every now and again, but it still helps to know what you want and what you like!

It helps to know what you want in every aspect of your life, but it especially helps when it comes to job searching.  

I dislike job searching, and I think the only reason why I dislike it so much is because I have NO idea what I am actually looking for!  I have no idea what type of job I actually want.  I can tell you what I don't want.  But that will only get me so far right?  

So every single day I search for jobs...see some I could possibly be interested, others I would never be interested in, and ultimately I am left with a short list and a dwindled desire to actually apply to them!  

But in the end...I am reminded that it DOES help to know what you want. Because then you can go after it with everything you have.  However, I am still trying to figure out exactly what I want in a job...and then once I do that...I can then figure out how to get there!  Any advice, words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Try to find people you admire in the field you're interested in, or in a position you aspire to. They can give you tips on starting points. A lot of doors open through networks and relationships. They may even know of a position you hadn't considered but would be perfect for.

  2. Taking a job is a good way to help you understand what you want in one. You don't have to find your ideal career position the first time.


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