April 7, 2011


So last night Peter and I had the privilege of sharing a meal with some amazing couples!  We are so blessed by our wonderful friends and the conversation that ensued.  One of those at the table started talking about motives and asked the question... "are any of our motives purely selfless?"  I was quick to say NO - simply because I don't think they are.  I think we do things for a reason...whatever that reason may be.  And simply because I desire to be selfless - I want to believe that my acts of service are selfless.  But now that I think about it - I don't know if they truly are.  I mean I do love receiving praise and acknowledgement for the things I have done and it is a bonus when I receive it, not a necessity, but a bonus.  And even if I say my motives are good and pure and even if I say I am not doing things to please other people or to receive praise - I am still doing it to please someone...to please God, to bring glory to Him, to receive His praise.  And is that act of serving the Lord entirely selfless?

So the conversation continued...we started talking about rewards and how we do things because we will receive rewards for our deeds - whatever those may be.  One of the husbands gave an example of wanting to serve his wife and do nice things for her to make her happy - ultimately his serving is kind, generous and sacrificial, but he is doing these things in hopes of being rewarded by his wife's happiness.  One of the wives gave an example of unloading the dishwasher...she doesn't seek praise for it, but in that simple act of service God is glorified and that glorification of God is her reward.  Now I that this wife isn't doing the act simply to be rewarded, but through this act of service, she is rewarded by the Lord's glory. 

And, as Christians, this is something we know - we bring glory to God through our acts of service.  Personally, I don't think that's a terrible motive for serving or being sacrificial.  In fact, I think it is a beautiful reason and a beautiful motive ...but still I ask the question - Are our motives for doing something ever purely selfless?

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