April 5, 2011

It must be Hard.

It must be hard ....to hold up a sign for an entire day.

It must be hard...to stand on the side of the street asking for money.

It must be hard...to live on the streets and to live off people's generosity.

It must be hard...to stand there while people drive past without even glancing your way.

It must be hard...feeling as though you are invisible.

It must be hard...to yearn for people to to SEE you, to acknowledge your existence, to look your way.

It must be hard...to see people in their cars, in warm clothes, with full bellies.

It must be hard and so very humbling ....to be him.

The end.

These were the thoughts that were running through my head as I watched a man sitting on the side of the road, rolling up a cigarette, with a sign beside him, as we waited for the light to change.

a fabulous book about the reality of homelessness!

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