April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding.

So there has been ALOT of hype around this royal wedding.  Understandable hype though right?  I mean a Prince is getting married and millions of people will be watching!  To be honest, I haven't watched much of the coverage leading up to this big day, and on Monday I had to ask someone WHEN the wedding actually was thinking that I had missed it or something!

So it is 2:30 AM and somehow my husband convinced me to get up to watch the coverage.  I mean a Prince doesn't get married that often so we had to do it right?  I mean if Peter was at home in Ireland he would for sure be up and watching it, but then again it would be 10:30, a reasonable hour, and a national holiday...so we figured we should make it happen and roll out of bed.

So I woke up at 2 AM although the actual ceremony doesn't start until 3 simply because I wanted to watch a little bit of pre-ceremony coverage.  Peter will be rolling out of bed at 3...but little does he know that I set the alarm for 2:45 to give him 15 minutes to inch his way out from under the warm covers and into the chilly living room!

The announcer on the TV said that this is the first time in 350 years that a future king has married a commoner.   It is pretty crazy to think about!  I mean she walks into Westminster Abby as Kate Middleton middle-class commoner and leaves as Princess Catherine - wife to the future King!  

There she is!!
I still can't believe I am up so early, but we don't have DVR or Tivo.  Maybe I would have been able to watch it all online?  But I suppose it wouldn't have been the same...and I do love seeing all the hats, the fascinators, the shoes and all the colorful dresses.  So it was worth getting up so early!  And it was especially worth it to see how excited the people were to see them and to see how thrilled everyone is for them and to hear the sound of the crowd cheering!  And if I am quite honest it was all kind of emotional actually - even for an American!

And I know some of you may find this a bit strange - I know my husband sure did, but I took some photos...of the TV of course considering I wasn't actually there!  But I just had to document this early morning event.  And I must say Princess Catherine - I think I might miss calling her Kate - well she is beautiful and she was ALL smiles.  And when she smiles she simply sparkles.  Peter made sure to tease me about this said comment...but its true!

Anyhow...here they are!

cool car huh?  At first I thought it didn't have a back to it...and then Peter informed me it was just all glass!

Peter is so emotional about it all he is even shedding a tear!

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