April 15, 2011


So this past Sunday I gathered with all the women on the Buskirk side of the family for our annual photo at JCPenney's.

I love my family and I walked away from there soo thankful for the beautiful women in my life.  I think what I love so much about getting together is the wisdom that is passed down to me and imparted upon me from my grandma and my older cousins.  I mean my cousins aren't THAT much older than me..but they have lived just a little bit longer, been married a little bit longer, and have had kids for a little bit longer (not pregnant..just going with the rythm of the sentence) and this little bit longer makes a difference..or so I think!

But I had one convo with one of my cousins about forgiveness, resentment, reconciliation and raising support.  To be honest, I feel as though she was choosing her words carefully because she was speaking straight to my heart.  It was so wonderful to be able to share all of myself with someone - to share the pain, the aches, the anger that I have harbored for so long toward people in my life simply because they are human and they have the capacity to let me down, to dissappoint, etc., etc.

It hurts when people who you are close to state that they don't believe in what your husband is doing or when people question whether Peter has a real job.  Just to clarify he HAS a job, a wonderful job that is changing lives, but he has to raise his salary.  So however much he raises is how much he gets paid that year!  Let me tell you this whole support raising this has its pros and its cons.  The pros being that we are soo dependent on the Lord to provide for us...I mean He uses other people of course, but still it is Him that puts the call upon the hearts..thus we truly DO see our money as His and such a blessing and a gift!  But this pro is also a con...because we are so dependent on the Lord to provide for us and support raising is always at the back of our minds..and there have been moments where it has put serious stress and strain on our marriage.  But we have learned and we have prayed and we have grown stronger as a couple - where we could be divided Christ has united.

And I walked away on that Sunday encouraged by my cousin's wisdom and her words that were so laced with forgiveness and love.

Some examples of us through the years...look at all the additions!  

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