May 10, 2011

Bad Dream.

I had a bad dream last night...I mean a terribly, bad dream.  A dream that I hope NEVER EVER comes to fruition in real life.  Oh I was so angry, so sad, so hurt, so mad, and filled with so many tears within this said dream.  Wow it was vivid too, and it felt FAR too real, and I hope and pray it never happens in real life.  I think I mentioned that I suppose you get the point right?

I dreamt that Peter cheated on me with one of my friends...and I found out the truth, confronted him with it and he lied to my face.  WOW...I am getting mad just thinking about it!!  The dream seemed to go on FOREVER, and within that dream I had another dream (sounds like inception??) that I had woken up and I told Peter all about my terrible, terrible dream.

So then when I actually woke, I was so confused.  My heart was pounding and I was gasping for air!  And I reached for Peter's hand.  He squeezed my hand tight and said ever so sweetly.."Honey, are you okay?...what's wrong?"  I just started bawling...I mean this dream had completely disturbed me and it seemed so real.  I didn't know where to start and I just came out with it and said I dreamt you cheated on me with one of my friends.  And I said I was so hurt and so mad at you..and it seemed so real.  And he simply held me through the snot and tears and kept saying it wasn't didn't happen...I love you, etc, etc...all the things I needed to hear right?!

Well people I was really shaken up and I was so mad that this terrible dream had disturbed my slumber.  And I was slightly afraid I wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep.  So I started praying...I prayed against that dream and for protection over our marriage.  I prayed that I would feel peace and the Lord's grace and mercy would envelop my body.  I told Satan to get out of my body, my head, my dreams, etc...I declared that the Lord would be glorified within me and that Satan had no place within me and within our home.

And I kept crying throughout it all because it was all so powerful.  Peter use to have night terrors...really bad, terrible, terrible dreams.  I get the chills just thinking about them.  Many of them had to do with me either leaving him, cheating on him, or moving onto someone else, etc.  He would come to work mad at me...and I would be so confused.  And then hours later he would tell me about his terrible it made him I hurt he was so angry...etc.  And I would sit with him, confirming my love for him and my desire to be with him.

The night terrors became a pattern and we started to see that the worst of thoughts would creep into Peter's dreams and these thoughts were the Lord and so very divisive.  And we started praying for protection over Peter's sleep...his thoughts...his dreams...his entire being.

And it has been truly beautiful to see the difference prayer has made within his sleep!  So when I woke up this morning... all worked up with my heart in a tizzy...I remembered these moments where something terrible was turned into something good.  So I prayed.

Also...on another note, when the sun was actually up and we were both rolling out of bed, I asked Peter if he remembered me walking him up in the middle of the night.  And he said that I didn't wake him by grabbing for his hand, but that I had woken him minutes or seconds before with an arm bite or pinch (he wasn't too sure WHAT it actually was!) ...please keep in mind I was still sleeping!!  The poor guy!

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