May 5, 2011

Date Night.

So it has been ages since Peter and I had a date night...and we didn't have anything planned last night.  So as we were driving home from work we started brainstorming all the delightful things we could do together.  Peter was exhausted from all my wonderful ideas that involved walking anywhere were definitely out of the question.  We talked about buying Paseo sandwiches and having a picnic at Golden Gardens or Carkeek Park.  We talked about getting yogurt or ice cream somewhere...really exciting huh??  We even talked about going out to dinner.

But when all was said and done and when every single idea had been flushed out...we decided to just stay home!  I wanted to eat leftovers, but Peter forbade that idea and declared that we shouldn't be eating LEFT overs for date night.  So he decided that we should BBQ chicken and make chicken burgers and sweet potato fries for dinner.  So we did, and while he was starting up the BBQ and cutting up the fries, I ventured to the grocery store to buy some essentials - ice cream, cones, wine, and whole milk.

So we ate dinner out on our patio...and spent way too much time admiring our lawn, Peter's edging and the growth of all the plants!  It was simply overwhelming to look out and see all the things the Lord has blessed us with.  

So as we ventured into the house - I had the greatest of ideas...I wanted to walk through every room of the house and pray over it.  Now to me this was the best idea ever, but my husband thought differently.  I mean he was tired and the thought of standing up while praying ...let alone walking around the house while praying wasn't exactly what he had envisioned for his evening.  And he wasn't afraid to tell me that...but sitting down wasn't how I envisioned it...and I wasn't afraid to tell him that. 

And then I started crying...I mean I was extremely emotional about it all, emberassingly so.  And I stated through the tears and far too much snot that I felt really strongly about this...and I wanted to walk through each and every room together and pray over each room.  And thank the Lord for my husband and his kind spirit because he picked me up from the ground and got me up on my feet and the prayers began ...through tears and still far too much snot. 

And it was beautiful.  We prayed that the Lord would be honored and glorified within the walls of our home.  We prayed for protection over the people in our home and the actual structure of our home.  We prayed that the spirit of hospitality would reign in our home.  We prayed for patience, love, mercy, grace and servant hearts to be displayed within our home.  We prayed for our marriage and the spirit of unity.  We prayed for soo many things...and in the end I was once again overwhelmed by all the blessings that have been bestowed upon us.

And once again I was reminded of the importance of date nights...of the importance of sitting down together...of  taking the time to listen to each other ...of taking the time to pray together. 

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