May 4, 2011

Fair Game

I have been watching ALOT of movies that are true stories lately...or based on true stories, and I am hoping to find the time to write about all of them - Fair Game, Skin, and the Sicilian Girl.

But this entry will be about the film Fair Game.  Peter and I watched this one a few weeks ago, and this is probably the reason why I am so uptight and skeptical about everything having to do with the government these days!

The official movie website describes this film as "a riveting thriller inspired by the experience of real-life CIA officer Valerie Plame.  when Plame's retired ambassador husband, Joe Wilson writes a newspaper article challenging the basis for the U.S. war on Iraq, the White House leaks Plame's undercover status - leaving her international contacts vulnerable, her career in shambles, and her life in danger.  Crackling with sharp dialogue, gripping intrigue and heart-pounding suspense, Fair Game is the adventure that's so unbelievable, it can only be real."

And according to the Take Part website, Fair Game is "A suspense-filled glimpse into the dark corridors of political power, Fair Game is an action-thriller based on the autobiography of real-life undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson (Naomi Watts), whose career was destroyed and marriage strained to its limits when her covert identity was exposed by a politically motivated press leak.  As a covert officer in the CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Division, Valerie’s work involved identifying the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before the United States declared war. Her husband, diplomat Ambassador Joe Wilson (Sean Penn) was hired by the CIA for a fact-finding mission as part of the investigation. When the Bush administration ignored his findings and used them to support the call to war, Joe contradicted the White House in The New York Times, igniting a firestorm of controversy."

Even more of the plot is described HERE.  And you can read Wilson's New York Times article HERE.  Plame even went on to write a book titled Fair Game:  My life as a Spy, My betrayal by the White house.   I don't want to tell you too much about the storyline, especially if you are unfamiliar with it!!  Just go watch the movie and check out the Take Part website and Fair Game: The Real Story.  And I have even posted a trailer for the film below!  As you may be able to tell...Peter and I really enjoyed the film and it sparked some really great conversation - such as do we really have the freedom of speech?

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