May 4, 2011

This Morning.

So this morning we took the LONG way to work!  Gosh I-5 at 8:30 is a BAD idea...and I know this, but for some reason I always think it's going to be a faster than any alternative route.  So I was a little worked up over the traffic and then somehow Peter and I got talking about Osama bin Laden.  I guess we thought that the topic of Osama made for great morning conversation. 

Truly...I am so thankful that Peter and I can talk about all these things in such a loving manner ...and he challenges me and my way of thinking more than anyone else I know!  And the heaviest conversation is always made light - this conversation ended with my husband smiling while calling me a paranoid android - because throughout our entire conversation I just kept do we know he is really dead??  Oh I can be soo difficult sometimes!  But I drove away chuckling to myself...gosh that man makes me laugh! 

By that time I had nearly forgotten all about the terrible traffic...and the sun was shinning! And I was smiling ...and my smile continued to grow in size as I watched a little girl cross the street with her mom while I was waiting at a light.  And as I caught the eye of the little girl I couldn't help but wink!  I figured she probably would take me for a crazy person and would eventually start shedding tears or something silly like that, but she surprised me and instead of tears came a friendly wave.   As my light turned green, the little girl lifted up her little arm to WAVE at me.  And THAT simple act made my smile even BIGGER, which is nearly impossible I know!  It was such a beautiful moment - a moment that erased all the traffic tension - a moment of friendship that was shared amongst complete strangers.

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