May 17, 2011

My husband.

So I have written about this man countless times and I am sure you are all tired of hearing me rave about how wonderful he is...and maybe you thought this time would be different and instead of raving I would be ranting.  But I should say now that if you are hoping for the rant...this post will most definitely be dissatisfying because folks my husband is the cutest!

Let me tell you the ways...

His parents are coming this weekend and we had visitors last night so Sunday and Monday he was up late and up early working on the yard.  He was in the garage till the wee hours of the night using his new saw and sawing things up for our garden.  But he loves our garage and could be out there till the sun came up!  And he was also weed whacking after the sun had gone down...I had to tell him it was DARK outside and people may be trying to sleep and it was time for him to sleep too!

And then yesterday morning the man woke up at 6:30 AM just so he could finish off the wood around the garden and do some last minute weeding.  And I was so kind to notify him around 7 o'clock AM that some people might still be sleeping (like ME!) and they may not like waking up to the sound of a drill and a hammer that early in the morning.

But the man loves his yard.  He loves sitting out on the deck and staring out at the yard, and he loves getting his hands dirty.  And I love that he loves all of this.  So when the guests came yesterday and every single one of them commented on how amazing the yard looked I made sure to point them toward my husband so that they could repeat every single word they had JUST said to me to him because HE is the man behind the yard beautification.

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