So this morning I woke up and sat in front of my computer for a good 30 minutes trying to get a good Internet signal. We don't pay for it ...but we can get connected occasionally through netgear or our kind neighbors, but this morning was not one of those moments. So I sat staring at the blog page, as it attempted to open, wondering what I should write about today!
Well I stared for FAR too long and not a single thing came to me...I thought gosh am I that boring?? Maybe I need to go out and have an adventure so then I'll have something to write about.
So I went exploring with my running shoes on and my shuffle in hand...and to top it ALL off Peter loaned me his cool Garmin watch on one condition - that I would get outside and USE it! It tracks your mileage, your time, and your calories...and just makes the overall running experience much more enjoyable (or so I think!!), but who doesn't love knowing their mileage...knowing when they have reached their goal...knowing when they can STOP! I sure know I do!
I haven't been running in weeks - felt like months today. I was struggling, but it was one of the first times I have ran around my neighborhood, and I was determined to see as much as I could in the time that I was out there. So I ran down the street and turned down another street...attempting to get myself a little lost, which is never the best idea with me, but figured the whole experience would be pretty foolproof considering all the roads and everything are marked and I know where I live. So I knew I would be able to make it back to the house eventually regardless of the route that I took leaving the house!
So I take off - feet pounding hard on the hot pavement and my hurt beating hard against my chest. And it is all glorious. I am loving looking at all the homes and inspecting their yards, while getting ideas for our own. I pass a sign that says Welcome to Lake Forest Park and a police officer passes me by ...keep on running...start gravitating toward the water, which ultimately has me going DOWN hill. Lots of hills. And I love running down hills, but coming up them - not my favorite thing AT ALL! And I literally said out loud to myself, "you are going to hate yourself later!", and I did, but I just couldn't stop. One hill after another ...after another. It was like the water was a magnet for my legs and for my soul and it was pulling me closer and closer with each stride.
So the police officer passes by again...this time he waves and I wave back. Seems as if we are chasing each other around the neighborhood, but he was going a whole lot faster than I was! And then my hair tie broke - it literally flew out of my hair, and I panicked. I mean who wants to run with their hair down?? I always see people at Greenlake running with their hair freely flying in the wind and I'm always glad that it's not me. I hate having my hair on my back, let alone on my neck when I run. So when the hair tie broke, I was devastated, especially since it truly is the only one I own! So I searched for it in the grass and just wrapped it around my hair a few times and then knotted it and it worked!
So then I carried on running back uphill...and somewhere in there I stopped and started to walk. Walked by the cemetery and literally thought to myself...gosh I am so glad I am alive today and not dead! Morbid thought I know?? But it is good to put things into perspective is it not?
And before I knew it I was back at my house...taking the shirt off and putting my garden gloves on so that I could do a little bit of weeding and some other yard workie things before going inside to make myself a little presentable for work.
And that was my morning...what did you do with yourself on this fine morning?
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