May 22, 2011

Monthly Occasions.

So there are a few things I can count on doing each club, bible study, newlywed group (soon ending..sad times), childhood friend gatherings.  I will call these all monthly occasions.  And I look forward to each of them equally ...for various reasons right?  Maybe it's the people, maybe it's the book, maybe it's the food, or the conversation, or the children, or the laughter, or all of the history.  I could go on and on and on about the reasons why I look forward to these monthly occasions, but there is no need because this post is simply about one such monthly occasion, and that one would be my childhood friend monthly gathering AKA The Gal Pal Gabfest!

So for the past year, or nearly a year now, I have been gathering with some of my dearest childhood friends every month without fail.  I am truly impressed by our dedication to our time together.  Each month we meet at someones home for food and drinks and so much laughter.  And each month a new person hosts and the host supplies the main dish and then each guest brings something to increase the deliciousness of that said main dish.

We talk life, family, jobs, weddings, children, politics, religion, photography, education, movies, music, etc, topic is too big or too small for this group!  And I absolutely love that and I also love that we are never short of opinions nor are we ever at a loss for words.  Some of these girls I have known since elementary school.  Crazy huh...which then means that I have known them for more than half my life.  And there is so much history there !!  And the others I have known since junior high, which is also a long time in my books!!  So many delightful memories I have had with these women and so much laughter...and I am so very thankful that we are making even more!

So for this past gathering we made pizzas in a real pizza oven.  Pretty cool huh?  Here are some of my favorite photos from the evening...Next time we will actually have to get a photo TOGETHER!
The delicious drink that greeted me upon my arrival!
beautiful Mary!

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