May 23, 2011


So my TEN year Highschool reunion is this a month in fact!  It is so very CRAZY for me to think that it has been ten whole years since I graduated from that place.  I am officially starting to feel OLD!

So this past Sunday I stopped by my parents house and decided to thumb through some of the things I still have left there.  One of them being a hope chest that is full of all sorts of treasures...journals, my cap and gown, old magazines, a newspaper, highschool dance photos, scrap books, and best of all yearbooks!!

Gosh it had been AGES since I had laid my eyes and hands on those things.  And it completely took me back in time!  I had to look at every page and every picture and I read every little thing that was ever written in each of them!  I also figured that if I decide to attend this said TEN year reunion I should probably look over the pictures of the people I graduated with.

So on the car ride back to Seattle I was reading Peter the best bits ...and I kept reading even after it got dark.  I was straining my eyes to see all the funny things that were written in pink, purple, and orange.  And it was hilarious!!  OH my goodness so hilarious!

People had written all sorts of things.  People wrote that they thought I was sweet, nice, kind, and determined.  They wrote about how they wished we knew each other they were thankful for more years they wished I would have let them copy all my assignments.

But the best notes were the ones that stated that I was mean or that they couldn't believe I would actually TALK to them...and those were all written by boys!  The mean ones were the ones that literally had me rolling on the floor because I really WAS mean to some of them...and it's not funny that I was mean, but I absolutely LOVE that they would call me out on this said meanness!  I was just blunt and unbearably honest and upfront and it was all slightly obnoxious...but I suppose I am still like that?? and I would sure like to think that I am not nearly as obnoxious!!

After flipping through all the pages I discovered that some of my absolutely dearest friends and my boyfriend at the time had reserved pages within the book but had never laid a pen to a page leaving those reserved pages empty of their thoughts, memories, and inspirational words.  So I will be bringing this said yearbook to our next Monthly Gathering to remedy this...and I suppose the old boyfriend's page will always remain empty because that would just be wierd right??  Or maybe I should bring it to our ten year reunion for him to sign??  Oh goodness that would sure be funny!

I went to bed reading those yearbooks and even read my ones from junior high.  It truly seems like it was AGES ago and it is crazy to read over all those words written by so many different many people I have completely lost touch many people who impacted my youth in so many many people who I still keep in touch with.  And I am very thankful for those dear friends who I have so much history with...who have known me for ages and still choose to stick around!!

So I encourage you...go and search for those old year books, rummage through those boxes or those closets, dig deep into that pile of things and pull those bad boys out.  And remember the good times and the bad...and how far you have come and how much you have grown since those yearbook days!

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