May 2, 2011

Soul Mate.

I saw this quote on another blog this morning and loved it - so I figured it was blog worthy enough and would post it on here!

"A true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. Soul mates, they come into your life to reveal another layer of yourself to you... and thank God for it." Eat, Pray, Love

Truly...thank GOD for it!  I asked Peter on Sunday morning how happy he was in our marriage on a scale of 1 to 10...and he replied with a 10.  And I questioned it...funny right?  I mean only I would question it...and I replied with a REALLY??  a 10??  you wouldn't change ANYTHING?? You are 100% satisfied with the way things are...I mean if he would have asked me I would have said like a 9 or an 8 even...just so that we would have room to grow! 

I often wonder if I will ever be fully satisfied 100% with our marriage..and the answer I quite often come up with is no.  Simply because I am never 100% satisfied with myself...and my own character and my own growth...and I am always wanting to improve things because I always think things could be BETTER.  And I guess I think the same for our marriage.  

But isn't that slightly dangerous??  To never be fully always want more?

And I quite often think ...can you have too much of a good thing?  Is it terrible to want something that is already so beautiful and so wonderful and so good to be even better?  I mean think about yourself...I am sure your character has been transformed and refined over the years...I am sure you have gotten BETTER with age, with wisdom, with life.  

And I suppose I hope the same for my myself and my marriage.  I hope and pray that as the years go by our marriage becomes better and our love for each other grows deeper.  And I hope and pray that my husband continues to refine  my character.  I hope and pray that he continues to tear down my walls and smack me awake (figuratively speaking), while continuing to reveal the countless layers of myself.

After all this I can't help but think...maybe I would give my marriage a 10?  Because I am blessed.  I may not believe in this whole soul mate thing, one person in the whole world for each of us, etc...but I do know 100% that God brought Peter and I together.  I mean ALL the odds and cards were stacked against us, yet here we are nearly married 2 years, together for 5, friends for 7.  

I know that His hand is so heavily upon my marriage and it is simply impossible for me to deny that.  And it is so easy for me to forget that people would love to have what Peter and I have within our marriage.  So many people long to be married and they are just waiting to meet that special person.  And I feel so blessed that I have met him...soul mate or not...Peter John Drennan is the love of my life and I don't want to grow old with anyone else!  Gosh this has turned into one mooshy blog post - it wasn't suppose to be like that!

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