May 7, 2011


So as I have written about before...we have a huge yard or so it seems like a huge yard when you go from no yard to big yard.  And we have loads of things in our yard...but we don't know what a lot of those said plants actually it is one big surprise!  We supposedly have peach trees and cherry trees and apple trees...and some of these trees have started to blossom...wonder if they will actually bare some fruit!  So I am kind of obsessed with checking the trees...and the flowers and the rhodies to see if anything has changed as of late...well let me tell you a lot has been happening in our background...right before our very eyes!!  

And here are some of the latest happenings!

Look at our rhodie bush!!  I can't believe it!

Peter thinks this is our peach tree...if you look close enough you can see two little buds on one of the branches.
bud up close.

apple tree?

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