June 17, 2011


So I have decided that I love cleaning.  It gives me soo much satisfaction.  Satisfaction that I just don't receive from weeding.  Maybe that's because with weeding you may be making the area look clean....but it's still dirty.

But at least I love cleaning the inside of the house.  I love scrubbing something until it shines.  I love sweeping the floor because I love seeing all the little bits that have been hiding away.  And I especially love mopping because only then do I truly realize just how dirty our hardwood floors actually were.    

Not only do I love cleaning, but I love visiting my grandma.  So when I can combine the two things it is simply divine!  So I visited my grandma today and I cleaned out her fridge!  I scrubbed the walls, the drawer, the shelves and I got that thing sparkling!  And I pulled every single item out of her fridge and forced her to go through some things to determine if their life span had come to an end.

I didn't discover too many nasty things.  Just a few old olive oils that were chunky and some horseradish that didn't smell quite right.  And before I even ventured into the fridge she told me about this cheese that they make at WSU that she bought at some Christmas fair in 2008. Umm...I LOVE Cougar Gold and she found it rather amusing that I knew exactly what cheese she was talking about before she even showed it to me.  But I don't know if I love Cougar Gold that is THREE years old.  I mean it comes in those tins...and the tin was sealed, and it has been refrigerated for 3 years now...but still??

But I wanted to be adventurous and I couldn't let this huge chunk of Cougar Gold go to waste...so of course I opened it.  And this is what I found.

Now that white stuff on top...that's not normal right??  But I figured, what the heck...I had to give it a try!  And so I cut a little triangle out of the side and it was delicious...a little salty, but I think that's normal? So I decided to keep it...I mean I am sure Peter will eat it!  And I'll keep you posted on whether I get sick from it or not!  Cheese saga to be continued...

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