June 16, 2011


Weeds.  And I am not talking about the TV show Weeds or marijuana for that matter.  I am talking about weeds that grow up from the ground. You know the things you truly loathe, the things you buy killer for in hopes of destroying them forever, only to discover that they just grows back.  You know...the things that if left unattended have the capacity to take over your entire yard.

Well folks...that's what they have started to do. They have started to take over our entire yard!  And holy cow we have alot of weeds! Perhaps that's because we havn't done yard work in nearly 3 weeks?  Or perhaps it's because Peter has been out of town for nearly 10 days?  Or maybe it's because my feelings toward weeding havn't changed one bit in the last 3 months?

And let's be honest...for the past month I have come up with all sorts of reasons to justify my nonexistent presence in the yard.  Such as...All that bending down and over will hurt my back and my knees.  And...I will get all dirty and then the dirt will get under my nonexistent fingernails and stay for days.  And ...it's so cold out there - and who wants to pull weeds in the cold??  Lastly...the weeds aren't THAT bad.

Well that's what I kept telling myself...and then Bekah came over and I saw my yard through the eyes of another.  It was as if my eyes had finally opened and I was seeing ALL the weeds for the very first time.  I mean so many of our plants are green, so I think I just kept telling myself they were plants, not weeds.  I mean they couldn't all be weeds right?  Well turns out it was just a lie I kept telling myself to make me feel better about NOT being out in the yard.  Because yes...they are ALL weeds.  So are you getting the point...we have a ton of weeds...so many weeds that it's slightly overwhelming.

And here we have a beautiful example of said weeds.  Look at all those weeds just in our vegetable patch.  Can you even tell the difference between the things that aren't weeds and the things that are?  Trust me...it's a little tricky!

After.  That's better right?
And a full garden shot.  No weeds on the left side and weeds on the right.
So after clearing the nasty weeds out of the vegetable patch I decided to tackle the remainder of the yard.  And I was outside for at least an hour pulling weeds and getting rid of all sorts of nasty things.  I was getting down and dirty and my back was aching and my knees hurt.  Yet I remained.  I mean I had made a vow to myself that I wasn't going to go in until the sunset.  And then my stomach started to growl, and I promised myself that my reward for all my hard work would be a delicious pasta dinner, but I had to stay outside until the sun went down.  I mean there was so much to be done and Peter was going to be home in a matter of days.  And I didn't want the yard to look too disastrous.

And just when I had about had enough (I had been out there for about an hour!) a car pulls down the driveway honking it's horn.  And my dear friends have come to the rescue.  The sun is not down yet...but I am hungry, and let's be honest, I would much rather spend time with them inside then be breaking my back outside.

So goodbye yard work and weed pulling.  Our time together may have been slightly short lived, but I am sure we will meet again this weekend.

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