June 24, 2011

I can't wait.

I can't wait ...for Peter to be a dad!  And NO I am NOT pregnant - so you can all get that idea out of your head right now.  But nevertheless, I still can't wait for that day to come.

So last night we went to visit the Damman's - all three of them, and if I am honest, Peter was a little apprehensive about going.  He even warned me beforehand that he wouldn't be holding her - so I shouldn't force it.  Holding babies makes him nervous he said, especially holding newborns, and especially when the parents are right there WATCHING it all go down! 

I simply replied with an OK, but knew that his mind would change as soon as he SAW her.  Plus, I figured the nerves have to go away eventually.  I mean we are hoping that we are blessed with our own children someday and I don't want him all nervous with those kids.

So we arrived and Norah had just had her first bath.  Her hair was all soft and her skin smelled so sweet.  And we all took our turns cuddling with her, and after a minute or so of our cuddling time, I turned to Peter and asked him if he wanted a go.  He smiled a shy little smile and replied with a yes.  I mean the parents were watching and it just seems wrong to turn down cuddling with a newborn - so of course he was going to say yes.

And I must say it truly melted my heart.  He kept going on and on and on about her little body, her tiny fingers and feet, her small features, her hair.  He even commented on how good she smelled, and I should note that he never gave her back to me. 

She cuddled up right next to him and won him right over.  And he was smiling so big when we left. 

So ... I can't wait for Peter to be a dad, but then again at the same time I suppose I can wait because I am not pregnant nor are we trying...so don't get your hopes up just yet!

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