June 23, 2011

High School Reunion.

So it has officially been 10 years since I graduated from high school and my ten year reunion this Saturday proves that, and if that doesn't give away my age then I don't know what will.

TEN years!  That is crazy talk isn't it??  I mean it does seem like a long time since I lived at home, walked the halls of Central Kitsap High school, ate lunch in a cafeteria, and had a Cougar for a mascot (for those WSU attendees, this mascot lived on, but not for me...I'm a husky!)  But let's be honest...it surely doesn't seem ten years long?

I have known about this upcoming reunion for months and months and months, and I have put off buying tickets.  I don't really know why, but maybe it's because I figured somehow I could get out of it and maybe the day would just pass me by and I would think "oops I missed it...o'well it's too late now!"  I think the thought of seeing people I haven't seen or spoken to in ten years doesn't seem all that exciting to me, but I suppose that's because I am not a HUGE fan of small talk.  But I am sure it will all be enjoyable right?

And now, two days before the actual event, I have taken the final step and purchased two tickets - one for myself and another for my very brave and adventuresome husband.  So it's official - Peter and I will be attending the reunion for the class of 2001.

And if I am completely honest I have mixed feelings about it all.  I am slightly reluctant and a little apprehensive.  I mean a whole lot has happened in ten years.  People have moved away, graduated from college, married, had kids, and simply lived their lives, but thankfully, with the likes of facebook and the blogging world, I have been able to stalk...I mean track the lives of a few people.  But I am sure it will all be enjoyable right?

So think of me on Saturday night at 6:30 as I catch up with old friends and those I haven't laid eyes on in ten years.  I am sure it will all be rather enjoyable and slightly amusing.  Can you see the pattern of enjoyment here?? 

So enough about all that.  Now onto the big question...What's a girl to wear to an event like this??

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