June 22, 2011

At a Loss for Words.

Today I found myself at a loss for words.  And I debated whether I was actually going to post something or not.  I have all these ideas and all these thoughts for posts, but all of them will take a little bit of time to put together, and quite frankly, I don't want to take the time.

So here I am typing something, even though I thought I said I was at a loss for words.  But I suppose I am never at a loss for words, rather maybe I run out of things to write about simply because I don't know if people really want to read about how I went to work, then for a run, then to the grocery store, and then came home and made dinner, cleaned the house, and now I am finally sitting down to watch a little bit of So You Think You can Dance (SYTYCD - love this show) before a friend comes over tonight.

Sounds like a full day huh??  Well it was...but I have been looking forward to seeing this friend ALL day!  I think that spending time with people who are near and dear to me makes my whole day worthwhile.

Yesterday I saw my grandma...you know the one I always write about, and this time I got her talking about our family history.  And I started writing things down - there is so much I do not know!  And she talks about how she wants to get her tape recorder set up so that she can record things, but to be completely honest, and I know it's sounds slightly morbid, I get nervous that she will die before we make it happen!

I learned some new family facts and I was once again reminded of how grateful I am that I wasn't born during that time period.  I mean my great-grandma went to finishing school - you know the school where you learn how to be a good wife - where you learn how to cook, clean, sew, etc.  Don't get me wrong, I understand that these things are important, but it saddens me that her education ended there.  But I love learning about family history probably because it's a part of me, and I found myself trying to create a family tree in my head as my grandma was telling me all about my grandpa's family.  But some bits and pieces were slightly confusing probably because she kept saying..."Don't quote me on this....now was this my side of the family or his??"  So I might need to do some of my own digging...but I sure hope the stories continue.

PS.  I am reading a great book, WAY better than the Happiness Project, called What's Mine is Yours - the Rise of Collaborative Consumption by Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers.  I have been earmarking so many pages of this book and I have been talking to everyone who will listen about this book, so yes, I will be posting about the book sometime very soon!

PPS.  I thought I said I was at a loss for words, and yet somehow I put together a post.

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