June 3, 2011

Newlywed Group.

So this past Tuesday was our last time meeting at the Werner's as a newlywed group.  This is definitely not the first time I have written about this said group and you can read more about my love for this group and this family HERE and HERE.  So it was an exceptional night like always, but then again I wouldn't expect anything less from our time together.

Peter and I actually arrived at their house early and by early I simply mean 15 minutes early - but that 15 minutes is RARE for us!  And since it was our last meeting together, I had Peter pick me up a little early from work so we could spend a little extra time with the girls and their parents before the crowd arrived!

And gosh...I love that family...and I love their girls.  They entertained me with their somersaults and cartwheels and all their giggles - the girls, not the parents.  And I asked them about their gratitude wall and the new stickers...we talked about their trip to Disneyland and all the princesses they met!

And then before I knew it the rest of the adults were arriving and we all shared a meal together and Peter got to sit next to the girls.  I must admit - I was a little jealous, but got over it really fast as soon as I saw the way he was making one of them giggle.  And Tiffany, their lovely mother, turned to me and said...your kids are never going to take him seriously...and I replied sarcastically by saying GREAT...but at least he will make them laugh and he may even get them to eat their dinner!

Then after dinner it was bed time for the little ones, and the girls went around and gave us all night night hugs.  I must say this is one of my favorite things about Tuesday nights!  I love their little hugs, and I hugged them EXTRA hard considering the hugs are limited in number, and Peter even got a double hug (both girls hugged him from all sides) Lucky man huh?!!  And then we all gathered in the living room to talk sex and money - some really big topics...but what a great way to end our time together.

And then when it was time for the adults to go to bed...we all said our goodbyes and exchanged some hugs knowing that we would eventually meet again, but I lingered a little longer than normal because I didn't want to leave.  I knew that as soon as I walked out the door things would be different and I wouldn't be able to count on seeing the Werner's twice a month. 

We are hoping to continue meeting with the other couples at least once a month, which is wonderful and I love them all...but I can't help but wonder what it will be like without the Werner's?  I mean I know there will be a hole...how can there not be right?  Because something tremendous will be missing...whether that's Tiffany's delicious cooking, or the coffee and treats after dinner, or the great conversation that is always drenched in so much honesty, or simply seeing a father's deep love for his family and all of his girls, or maybe it's the giggling girls and their sweet hugs - whatever it is...it will all be tremendously missed.  Plus, these are all the things I look forward to on Tuesdays.

So as you can tell I love our Tuesday nights and I love this family.  So then it was only natural that as soon as I got into the car that night that I turned to Peter and simply said...I'm sad.  I didn't know if I should cry or not.  I didn't know if I should mourn or not.   I didn't quite know how to respond to it all.  Plus, no one else was getting emotional and I didn't want to be the odd one out!!  But it all feels slightly surreal, and the Werner's shouldn't be too surprised if we show up at their house in a few weeks!!  But I think the emotional confusion lies in the fact that I hope and I PRAY that this is not the end of our relationship with this family. 

I mean we have received so much from this group and from this couple. They are so real, honest and vulnerable. They have welcomed us into their home and into their family with HUGE open arms...and then they wonder what they have to offer us. They have offered us themselves and THAT Is the greatest gift of all.

And so after declaring that I was sad after our final group on Tuesday night, the wise man driving the car, who strangely looked an awful lot like my husband, kindly replied ..."It's only over if you make it over."  And in that same breath this wise man then turned to me and said..."So tell me...were you jealous that I got a double hug from the girls tonight??"  And this little comment from this wise man reminded me that he loves this family nearly as much as I do!!  And with two of us stalking them, then I figure it won't be the end of our journey together.

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