June 13, 2011

Thank Goodness Things Change.

So as I mentioned in a previous post, our house guests left on Thursday after visiting for 3 weeks.  So I had anticipated a really quiet house Thursday night, especially since Peter is out of town till next Wednesday.  So when my dear friend Anna asked if I would watch her two adorable daughters while she went out for an engagement shoot (Anna is a photographer check out her website and her work HERE), I gladly replied with a YES please!

Like I have said before I love noise within the walls of my home.  So I was super excited to have the girls over...a little nervous, but excited nonetheless.  And if I am completely honest...I don't have a ton of babysitting experience, which explains the nerves, but shh..don't tell Anna that! 

When I was growing up my sister was every one's babysitter choice.  I mean she was the older, more responsible one in the family, thus the more reasonable option right?  So I was never the one called on to watch the children.  And if I am honest, the whole thing never seemed all that appealing to me, and maybe I could even go so far as to say that I may have had a slight aversion to children.  And let's be honest, I was a little more interested in reading books ABOUT the adventures in babysitting (The Babysitter's Club series) than I was about actually having those adventures myself.

So then when I got to college it seemed as if everyone had a nanny job...well everyone except ME that is!  I clearly remember tagging along with Bekah to one of her numerous nanny jobs - i think there were two sets of kids that night for a total of 4 kids? or maybe 5?  Anyhow, she wanted some extra help and i thought it would be fun to spend some time with Bekah.  So I said yes, but instantly followed up my response with ..."so tell me what time do these kids go to bed??"  Let's just say I was way more concerned about the kids bedtime than I was about the kids.  I know its terrible, but it's so true.

Well thank goodness things change.  And thank goodness my friends actually TRUST me with their kids because if that wasn't the case then Anna never would have left her children in my care.  When they arrived Natalie (2) was asleep in her mamas arms and Nora (4.5) was ready to roll and I was ready to roll with her.  I had already done some brainstorming as to what I could actually DO with them.  So I was ready to propose all sorts of fun things to do...I mean I had all sorts of things on my to do list and I figured they could help me cross some of those things off ... right?

I mean who wouldn't want to ...

1. water the plants
2. bake cupcakes, frost cupcakes, etc.
3. pull some of those weeds that are taking over our garden!
4. paint the wall
5. color
6. and I think that's it...

Nora was into all of them, except for number 3, and I don't blame her - even I dislike that task, hence the reason it's been on my to do list for days.

We had a delightful time, and 9:00 came far too fast, but it was wonderful to spend some time with their mamma.  She is wonderful and such a good mom, and I love seeing her with her girls!  But all good things must come to an end, and eventually I had to say goodbye to them all.  I lifted Natalie up, kissed her soft cheeks, and squeezed her real tight.  And then she looked me in the eye and kissed me square on the lips.  And I turned to her mom and said...THAT was the most precious thing and my absolute favorite part of the entire night.

And to make the night even more magical...as Anna left, she said, "Malia I think you would be an amazing mom!"  I almost started crying right then and there.  Her kind words meant the world to me.

And then to make the whole thing even better, the next day I got an email from Anna that said this..."They had a blast and when we got in the car Nora said, "Ahh..I miss Malia."  I told her we would visit you again and she said, "you know mommy, I like you being my mommy.  But if you weren't my mommy, I think Malia would be a good mommy for me."  I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.  It was so genuine and simple."

Can't wait to see them again...

Nora watering the plants in the garden!
Nora stirring up the cupcake batter.
green and red make brown.
painting the wall.
then the little one wanted to have a go.
so focused.

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