July 27, 2011

Food Poisoning.

Yes the title of this post says it all!  And if you are grossed out by bodily fluids then I would highly advise you to stop reading.

So I am pretty sure I had some form of food poisoning yesterday.  And oh man it was awful!  I have never experienced anything like that before, but I felt awful all afternoon.  I just felt so bloated and my stomache was so very upset.  And I had the runs all day long.

And to make the situation a whole lot worse, I felt like I had to throw up all day.  Every single time I would talk to Peter I would utter..."I just feel like i'm going to throw up!"  Well the time finally came at about 7 o'clock last night. 

Peter had just walked in the door, and our roommate Manuel was in the bathroom, and I was patiently waiting for him to make his exit.  As soon as he opened the door, I jumped up off the bed, and ran straight to the bathroom.  And I just knew it was coming.  I was so nervous I wasn't going to get the lid up fast enough, and I was going to have to release it all in the bathtub or something tragic like that!  So I crouched down on the floor, bent my head over the toilet and out it came.

Gosh, it was terrible people.  It had been years since I had thrown up...and let me tell you the last time sure wasn't from food poisoning.  I think I had forgotten just how terrible it all was.  And I hate being sick...like ALOT!  I had plans with a friend and I was really looking forward to seeing her, and Peter had plans to go to a birthday party.  And at first I thought, sure he can go...I'll be just fine!  But then I thought gosh, what if I am just throwing up the entire time ...and I am all alone.  Sounds pretty sad huh?  Well I thought so, so he stayed home.  And good thing he did because it was a rough night!

Anyhow, I am feeling a bit better today - still have the runs, but this I can deal with! 

Happy Wednesday everyone!

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