July 15, 2011

My day.

This day actually happened last Friday, but it was all so random and unusual and I knew I was going to have to write about it.  So forgive me if you don't find this recap interesting...

So my job...yes I know I write about how I want another job, but it's not for lack of amusement or lack f love for my coworkers or my lack of love for the clients.  It is simply because I long for more experience in a realm that I am really interested in.

I truly feel as though my patience is tested each and every day at work...with clients and non clients alike.  And it is all slightly amusing...well for me at least.

So the first encounter...a guy came into the salon asking about a certain color product that he had used in the past to color his eyebrows.  He kept saying it was called Loreal-richesse something, but he had a hint of an accent so it sounded like Laurie Riches.  I told him I thought I knew what he was talking about and that we didn't actually SELL the product, but we did in fact USE it.  He asked if he could see it, and I thought well why not??  Maybe we are talking about something completely different?  So I went and grabbed a box of color and explained to him that each box contained a different color inside...and he then asked if he could take a picture of said box.  I, thinking it wasn't weird at all, said ...Yes, of course, not a problem at all.  So I just held the color up while he pulled out his camera to take a photo.  He must have been pleased with his shot because he simply thanked me and walked out the door.  Wonder what happened to him and I wonder if he was ever able to track down his Laurie riches.

So that was the first encounter.  Encounter number two involved a man that was waiting at the bus stop.  He came in and asked about haircuts.  I told him what we had available and the cost of things...and he showed me his empty wallet and told me he would have to come back when he had some money.  I said that was just fine!  And then he went back outside...but after a few minutes he came back in, and at this time I was speaking with another client about her past trip to Ireland.  The man noticed that I was speaking with someone and said he would come back when I was not busy.  He said he wanted me to cut his hair, but he didn't have $50 to spend.  I kindly told him that I didn't actually cut hair, nor did he want me to start with him!  So he walks out again..and comes back only moments later (keep in mind I am still talking to the woman!) and he starts showing me pictures of a woman on his phone - says he lives with her, but that he is afraid of her and she would kill him if she knew he was talking to me.  I simply told him how sorry I was, and then he said he should probably leave before she saw him.  So he did, but I should probably mention now that he would NOT look me in the eye the entire time he was talking to me, which actually made me really sad!  Bless the man's heart...I sure hope everything worked out for him in the end.

And then there was the post man.  His name is Paul, Postal Paul.  I can honestly say I look forward to seeing him every day because each day is a new day.  And I truly never know what I am going to get!  He is either slightly grumpy or smiley (as smiley as he can be I suppose??) and I think I have made it my life mission to get him to flash me something slightly resembling a smile.  So I get a little excited every time he actually speaks to me!  Don't worry Peter has NOTHING to worry about!  But he did tell me last Friday that he was going to be gone over the weekend, so we would be having a different postman for a few days...I figured that was considerate of him and told him that he would be missed!!  But I should also mention that I don't normally work over the weekends, so frankly, I wouldn't have noticed!!  But one time he came back into the salon after delivering the mail to ask me about Kim Kardashian.  "She's everywhere", he said..."everywhere!  What's her deal anyways?"  I just chuckled, and replied..."I have no idea!"  Random.  There are so many more, but I can't think of them right now...

So that's all folks!  Just a few random stories to fill your Friday.  These stories simply serve to remind me that if and when I get another job I will really miss the frequent, random interactions I have with people and the joy they bring to my life.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh malia, I KNOW! paul! I always want him to smile.

    I agree, lots of funny, random, heart-warming interactions happen in that building. my conversations with you are some of my favorites... I'll miss that when you do leave.

    see you tomorrow :)


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