July 18, 2011

Adventures in Dog Sitting.

Gosh it seems that every single time Fred crosses the threshold of our home we have stories to tell, and as soon as we swap hands things begin to happen, and so many beautiful stories begin to unfold.

So I have written about Fred and our adventures in dog sitting once before, so some of you may be slightly familiar with Fred and his ways.  Well, Fred is a fairly small dog, a beagle actually, but what he may lack in size he sure makes up in personality!  He is one curious dog - and I suppose if I was a dog I would probably be a beagle simply because our curiosity levels may be nearly the same.

So I picked up Fred on Thursday and the plan was to pick up Peter soon after.  I figured we could just hang out in the car for a little bit - I had a book to read and Fred was slightly entertained with all the new smells and what not.  But before I even had a chance to crack open the first page of my book, Fred was whining and scratching at the door, then my leg, then back at the door.  He was trying to crawl over me and was a little too excited for my liking! 

And I soon realized that he wanted OUT because when a dog's gotta go...a dog's gotta go right?  So I opened the driver's side door and he literally climbed over me to get out.  The poor thing couldn't get out fast enough.  Well of course he had to sniff EVERYTHING to make sure it was to his liking before he hit all of his delightful targets.  And by this time I figured I would just take him for a little walk around the neighborhood ...and then the moment came.  He was doing something funny and trying to get his butt up on this medium sized rock and before I knew it little brown things were trickling down the side of the rock.  When I say trickling I am sure you are imagine something runny, and it wasn't THANK GOD for that!  I literally said out loud...are you serious??  Is this a joke??  And then I started to panic because I thought..."Umm..I didn't bring a bag!"  But thank goodness Fred comes prepared, and I remembered that there were bags on his leash. 

So that was adventure number one.  And then adventure number two isn't necessarily a BIG adventure, but it is an excellent story.  So the last time Fred came over, maybe 2 months ago now, he thought it would be funny to hide my black suede shoes in our really big yard.  We found one shoe, but the other one was to remain somewhere out there in the vastness that is our yard.  And every time I went outside I would look for it...behind the plants, under the bushes, in the dirt, yet with all this searching it never revealed itself.  It appeared that Fred had found an excellent hiding place for his treasured shoe! 

And I began to think that it was lost forever...until Thursday night.  I came home to find my shoe battered, covered with dirt, and finding rest outside of the rain.  Turns out Fred knew all along where that shoe was and was waiting for just the right moment to retrieve it.  Peter was outside monitoring Fred's whereabouts, and rescued my shoe rather promptly, and he made sure to place it out of Fred's reach this time.

And then came the final adventure.  This adventure happened around bed time.  We had placed Fred's special blanket and pillow on the floor in our room, and he was moving and shaking and doing who knows what on the other side of our bed.  I couldn't help but comment on all the noise he was making and Peter couldn't help but comment on some weird smell in the room.  He literally turned to me and said.."Do you smell that?"  And I replied honestly with a "Nope!"  Never once did I think it could have been pee or poop or anything like that...we had just let him out and the memory of adventure ONE was still very fresh in my mind.  So I figured he would be whining or scratching at things if he needed to be let out. 

Well...I was wrong!  And that night, right before we turned out the lights, Peter got out of bed for some reason, maybe to use the bathroom himself.  He put one foot over the bed, stepped down onto the floor, and his foot rested upon a pillow.  But this wasn't just any pillow, this was a decorative pillow that was covered in pee!  Pee that was obviously NOT mine...nor Peter's.  So then that would leave just one other suspect...and that suspect would be a little beagle by the name of Fred.  Don't worry the pillow went straight into the washing machine and we cleaned up the pee that was all over the floor before our heads hit the pillow.

So those are our latest adventures in dog sitting...hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a tornado coming into your lives!

    The way you wrote that last adventure I had thought for a bit it was a different bodily fluid! lol.


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