July 19, 2011

Edible Garden.

I am sure some of you may be sick and tired of hearing me talk about our yard or our garden or our weeds or anything having to do with the stuff outside our house, but I realized it had been nearly a month since I last wrote about said yard and garden.  So I figured it was time - Plus it's kind of fun to see how much things have grown in just a month right??

So our new roommate Manuel told Peter last night that he should be a farmer...hmm??  Interesting thought huh?  If this comment comes true then that means I would be a farmer's wife...which is something I never envisioned.  But Peter did tell me a few days ago that our next house is going to be somewhere out in the country, and I thought ...is Shoreline considered the country??  I mean where is this man wanting to move me to?

Anyhow...I am all up for adventures, especially adventures that involve growing things!  There is nothing sweeter than watching something grow from a small seedling to a giant plant that ultimately produces yummy, edible things.

And here is a beautiful example of this...

The seedling.
The plant.
The plant.
The edible things.  Zucchini and peas.
Another something that we have watched grow are our peas!  Holy cow those things grow tall - I had no idea!

This photo was taken back in June.  Look at how small those pea plants were.
And look at them now!
They are giant now.  Kind of fun huh?
Yes they are edible!

And yet another something...our sunflowers.
There they are!
The seedling.  So Tiny!
Only 4 survived.  Can you see them along the fence?  Some are doing better than others!
And another something that has changed.  My husband, the farmer, decided that he wanted more space to plant even more vegetables...and I am all for it!  So we tore out all these weeds/flowers (not too sure WHAT they were to be honest!) and Peter built a planter box and it looks so much better.
Before and after.

Done and done.
And we got some topsoil and compost and my tomato plant now has a home!
Look at those tomatoes.  Hopefully they get bigger than that!

And then other things in our yard that I thought were worth sharing...

Our hanging baskets designed by ME!  I put this off for MONTHS simply because I had the hardest time deciding on the colors and the flowers.  So many to choose from!
Our blueberry bushes.  How much longer till they turn blue?

And one of our apple trees.  Wonder if those things will ever be edible?

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