July 21, 2011


So it has been awhile since I have attended a concert - a long while, so long I can't even remember the last one I went to!  This concert last night was at the Key Arena, and I think the last concert I saw there was Christina Aguilera in 2001.  TEN YEARS AGO people, and we had the worst seats in the house which also happened to be the FARTHEST seats in the house.  I think they may have been bleacher seats actually and the wall simply served as my back rest.

But last night marked the end of this era.  And if you have amazing eyesight and can actually read the little pink sign behind me (or maybe the blue wig tells it all?) - then you would read that last night I attended the Katy Perry - California Dream Concert.  And I should add that this concert experience was WAY different than the last one.

So as a Valentines Day gift, my dad blessed my mom with three tickets to the Katy Perry concert with the condition that she take her daughters, which included me of course!  But there is a story behind this...my mom had gone online the day the tickets went on sale only to discover that they had a pre-sale and all the "good" seats were already taken.  And my mom was CRUSHED!  I mean the woman had been talking about this concert for ages, and she wasn't going to settle for just any seats.  So my dad bought her tickets off EBay as a surprise!  Way to go dad!  And it was probably the best Valentines day gift ever...for all of us actually!

See my mom is a HUGE Katy Perry fan, and I don't know if I have ever met someone who enjoys her more than my mom.  She definitely has a few favorite songs that she turns up really loud and rocks out to...and I love being around when this happens.  The woman gets all giddy and starts dancing around and singing at the top of her lungs.

So knowing all of this...I was slightly shocked then when she told me she wasn't going to be wearing a blue wig and a cupcake bra, or a Katy Perry signature like the ones below!

Instead...she settled for something much more simple and slightly understated - a black dress.  But the big question of the night..the week really was..."What's a girl to wear to something like this??"  I mean if you looked through my closet you wouldn't find a single thing that resembles any of the outfits above.  I do not own a blue wig or a cupcake bra.  I did suggest that we go to a costume shop and buy something crazy before, but the others weren't entirely up for it!  So instead, I too wore something simple and slightly understated.  Black boots, a black skirt, a white top and a flashy necklace.  I figured the necklace was my blue wig, right?!

However, not everyone decided to wear something simple and slightly understated.  Check out some of the items people had on their bodies, or maybe I should say the items people didn't have on their bodies?

And these were just a few of them...kind of felt awkward taking pictures of other people.  

So as I had said before..it had been AGES since I had been to a concert - long enough to forget the way the music shakes the room and rattles the roof...long enough to forget how excited people get...long enough to forget the energy that encompasses it all...and the frenzied screams that roll through room.  Katy Perry was great - way better than I ever thought she would be!  And the costumes a little out there, but phenomenal nonetheless.  She loves those skintight outifts, but then again what performer doesn't right?  So let's just say I loved it, and I don't want to have to wait another ten years before I experience it again.

Here is a small collection of her outfits.  I apologize that they may not be the MOST focused pictures in the world, but you get the point right?

For the Peacock song - coolest outfits, I thought.
Cotton Candy Float thing - just her and her guitar flying through the air.
It was pretty cool!

Oh what a night we had...one filled with so much laughter and so much singing.  And her encore songs were the best, as they should be I suppose!  Her final two songs was the Fireworks song and California Gurls.  And there were fireworks and guns that were shooting out some type of soapy, foamy stuff.  Thank goodness we weren't THAT close because people got soaked.  All in all, she was great, a little quirky and really interesting, but you can tell she loves entertaining and THAT made all the moments of weirdness worth it (referring to the crazy, bloody butcher and the big slabs of meat on stage - fake ones of course, but still weird, and the candylandish video they would show between each song - also a little weird).

1 comment:

  1. A few of my friends got together and got tickets but I had plans and couldn't go and was super bummed...even more bummed after they told me how great it was. This must have been a great crowd to people watch in!!


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