July 22, 2011

A smile.

I have a whole slew of posts that are just waiting to be completed...but instead of completing them, I figured I would write about the simplicity of a smile.  So here goes...

Alot was going on in Seattle on Wednesday night...and there was a LOT of traffic everywhere.  I thought I could avoid it by taking Eastlake and going downtown a back way - I was wanting to avoid the freeway at all cost.  Anyhow, my mother had kindly informed me, when I spoke with her earlier that day, that I couldn't be late...and 6 o'clock was my requested arrival time.

I was going as fast as the traffic would allow and I was a little disoriented considering I wasn't all that sure WHERE I was going nor the best way to get there.  I pull up to a light...and if any of you are familiar with downtown Seattle or any part of Seattle really that has a stop light...then you know that these are prime spots for grabbing people's attention.  And these locations are often occupied by people with signs requesting money, food, work, etc.

And I am sure I am not alone when I say this...but I never know WHAT to do when I get to a light where there is someone standing there with this simple request.  Quite often I pull up to the light completely empty handed...I don't have cash, I don't have food, I don't have a job to give them.  And it hurts...it hurts knowing that I can't meet their simple needs.  And it's a hard place to be in... for both of us. 

But back to the story.  So I pulled up to the light, simply flashed the man a smile, and put my head down to take a look at the directions one more time because like I said...I had no idea where I was going! 

And out of the corner of my eye I noticed that the man was asking me to roll down my window.  If I am honest, I instantly thought ...uh oh - wonder what he wants?  But I did it anyways...and he simply said, "I just wanted to tell you that you have the most beautiful smile...and I have been sitting out here for a long time, and that smile just made my entire day!"

Well his comment made me smile even bigger...and we chatted for a bit until the light turned green.  And I was on my way...little did he know that he had just made my entire day.

So my advice to you...when you feel as though you have nothing to give...when you feel bad for pulling up to the light empty handed...just remember that all you have to do is smile.  Simply make eye contact and flash a smile.  We all have one of those.  And the best part is that we never have to worry about forgetting it because we never go anywhere without it.

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