August 8, 2011

Divine Intervention.

So this Sunday started off like any other Sunday.

Alarm went off, rolled over to grab phone, turned off alarm, got out of bed, showered (that doesn't happen every Sunday!), even washed my hair, dressed myself, dried my hair (and that took SO long that I didn't even get around to eating breakfast, hence the reason I don't wash my hair every day), and then we finally left the house.

And we were running late for church, or you could say we were right on time.  Doesn't really matter how you want to look at it.  So we figured we would be sitting in the overflow room, which I was fine with considering I hadn't had breakfast and they typically have coffee and muffins in the overflow room.

So we peek our heads in the overflow room and there isn't a single soul around - we backed out of the from fairly quickly hoping no one saw us come in and walked across the street to the main building.  We figured there must be seats left if no one had ventured over to the overflow room.  We were quickly informed that we could either sit in the front row or head upstairs to the balcony.

Peter quickly made a decision and marched his way up to the balcony. And as soon as we rounded the corner to look for seats, I forged my way past him and started running up the stairs.  I mean even the balcony was packed, and seats were few and far between.  I could tell he was slightly puzzled, but I was determined.  And I had spotted two empty seats.

But these weren't just any two seats, these were two seats located right beside a special someone.  And I hadn't seen this special someone in over 4 years.  So yes, I was slightly overjoyed and slightly out of breath.  My heart was doing all sorts of flips.  I couldn't believe it.  I wanted to laugh.  I wanted to cry.  But rather than succumbing to all of the above, I simpy squeezed her tight.

See we had been dear friends during a season of our lives.  We were not only sorority sisters, but sisters in Christ.  And this bond brought us together.  After graduation, she moved away to Montana to work at a church for the year, and we did keep in touch that year.  I even visited her in Montana - brr it was cold there.

Well, Montana won her over and she stayed long enough to get a Master's in Public Health, and it didn't take long for a handsome man to steal her heart.  Photos of her sometimes came up on facebook, but she isn't on facebook.  So I stalked her as much as I possibly could, but it's hard to do when someone isn't ON facebook!  And over time we just lost touch.

She has spent the past 4 years living between Montana and Portland, and she just moved back to Seattle 3 weeks ago.  Just three weeks ago people!  How beautiful is that?  And this was just her second time at Bethany.  She was telling me that the week before she had spotted a picture of Peter and I on the wall outside the church bathroom, and she had told her husband that she knew me and wondered if I still attended Bethany Community Church.

Well Peter and I weren't at church last weekend, thus this divine intervention wasn't even an option.  But as I ran up those stairs to claim the seats beside her and her husband, I was simply overwhelmed.  See I have been craving divine moments such as this one, and as soon as I saw Rachel I realized that God was answering my prayers.

Thank you Jesus for moments like this.  Our morning could have gone so many different ways, and we could have sat in so many different places, but instead He was saving us seats right beside some dear friends.  And as we parted ways with phone numbers and email addresses, her darling husband turned to Peter and simply said..."well looks like we will be seeing each other again Peter!"

And he's right...we will be seeing them again!

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