August 5, 2011


I did it...I gave in and finally signed up for Pinterest.  It's been interesting trying to navigate the website to be honest.

I originally signed up because Peter and I are wanting to do some things in our always, and I wanted to see some pictures for inspiration.  I was hoping I could just type in backyard patio or something and all these things would pull up and then I could scroll through them all, but that's not the case.

So I will be navigating my way through for awhile and teaching myself a thing or two!  I can see how someone could spend hours upon hours scrolling through Pinterest.   I mean it's addicting...You click on one thing and it takes you to another thing which takes you to another thing and then another thing.  The first day I signed up I discovered two new blogs...leave it to me to gravitate towards the blogs!

But I did find it rather amusing that the next morning when I checked my email I discovered that I had a bunch of followers.  Umm..okay?  Little do they know there is absolutely nothing to follow and probably won't be for awhile.  But thanks followers - means alot!!  And I promise there will be something slightly interesting to follow within the next MONTH!

Pinterest - I love the idea of you - I love all the beautiful pictures that provoke beautiful ideas and new inspirations, but I hate how I can't click on one picture and scroll through them all.  Just seems slightly disorganized or something?  But everyone tells me I will get use to it.  Still, I think we will have a love/hate relationship for awhile until I learn how to navigate through your waters.

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