August 24, 2011

Washington DC.

One week and a day from today Peter and I will be getting on a plane and venturing to the nation's capital.  We will be spending Labor day weekend along with celebrating Peter's 31st birthday in Washington DC.

It has been awhile since we traveled in country - normally our flight patterns take us outside of the country.  Thus, we were finally able to redeem some of our long acquired air miles!  Our tickets only cost $5 each (with the miles of course) - now that was exciting!  I have had this credit card for years and I have just been racking up the miles, but it does feel as though it takes ages to get to a point where you have enough miles for a flight.  I mean I had to spend thousands of dollars to get enough miles for this plane ticket to DC.  So then I wonder is it worth it??  Should we just get a credit card that gives you cash back? And the answer is always no...I mean I would have spent the money anyways. And who doesn't love free (nearly free) plane tickets??  And not only were our tickets cheap, but we will be staying with friends - so we are hoping the trip itself turns out to be fairly inexpensive.  So I will keep you posted!

I have always dreamed of going to Washington DC.  Not too sure WHY exactly.  Maybe it's because I am a history buff?  I love museums and memorials and all those sorts of historical things, except I always have such a hard time remembering all the facts.  But there is so much to see - it's slightly overwhelming!  So much has happened in Washington DC - so much history has been made there - so many speeches have been made there - so many people have been honored there.  So yes, I am excited!  

So think of us bright and early next Thursday as we board a flight to venture to the OTHER Washington.  

Also, we have been putting together a list of things to see and do per the recommendation of others, but we would love to hear what you have to say!  Any words of wisdom or insight into what we should see/do while we are there?  And I should probably mention that we only have 4 full days!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Have so much fun! I was there back in 8th grade so I don't have too much recollection of the "must-see-sights." I do remember some of the memorials, the Washington monument and going into Virginia...I think that's where we saw George Washington's plantation and we also saw the Amish country. It was a pretty jam packed trip. Take lots of pictures!

  2. You'll have to pay for the metro but the good news is all the museums are FREE! We only had time to go to one and chose the Museum of Natural History. I enjoyed it. I've heard really good things about the Spy Museum. I also really like reading Lincoln's speech at the Lincoln Memorial and just walking around and thinking about all the historical moments that have taken place on the mall.

    Have a great time. And be prepared for lots of walking!


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