August 25, 2011


So something you may not know about me, and something I should probably add to my LOVE list is that I LOVE Accents.  All accents - even a Midwest one!  And I always have.  And maybe that's because more often than not someone with an accent always has a story to share - or maybe they don't really want to share it, but I force it out of them anyways with my endless questions.

Examples of said questions...Where are you from?  How long have you lived here?  What brought you here?  How often do you get back home?  How long do you think you will live here?  What are your thoughts about this place?  Blah, blah, blah...and more often than not a beautiful conversation ensues.

So marrying Peter makes sense I suppose, considering I love accents!  Peter is Irish, and he has shaved off bits of his accent over the years, but it's still there.  And I love listening to him talk - his inflections and his word choices will forever make me smile.  And I feel so blessed that I get to listen to this man with his beautiful accent all the days long. 

And I suppose it makes sense, considering I live with Peter, that people say I sometimes speak with an Irish accent.  Someone told me that recently, when Peter was at my side, and I laughed and then said thank you!  I mean what are you suppose to say to that??  I think it's rather amusing that I occasionally speak with an Irish accent.  But I can't help it - it just happens sometimes, and I don't think Peter is even aware of it.  And it really comes out when I am surrounded by Irish folk and maybe that's because I don't think they will understand me if I talk my normal American talk or maybe it's because I secretly want to be Irish! 

Who knows what it is, but one thing I do know is that I love accents - so maybe I should move somewhere else so then I would be the one with the accent??

So tell me - what's something you love???  I would love to hear from you.

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