August 26, 2011

Job Searching 101.

My goal is to clean the house tonight, all 770 sq. feet of it, but I figured I can do that once the sun goes down.  But I suppose I could blog too once the sun goes down.  Obviously you know where my priorities lie! And I felt like an update was in order.  I have added all sorts of new things to my loves and loathes list.  Behold - the new items are in bold!

Things I love.

interacting with people
meeting new people
solving problems
a relaxed working environment
clean spaces
car rides
learning new things
being part of a team
seeing the world, meeting new people and interacting with them - all in that order, but I think I said that already!
talking about global development/global health and how we can change the world right where we are
editing things - papers, newsletters, etc.
making people smile
telling a good joke
interviews (it's encouraging when you get one!!)

Things I loathe.

when people talk slow on the phone (oops - this shows my impatience!)
taking the garbage and recycling out
too much structure
dressing up every day with heels for work (I don't do this now, but I know I would loathe it!)
a stressful work environment
stinky garbage (don't know anyone who likes this!)
stinky compost
people who don't recycle!
perms - who knew people still got perms these days!
networking (is it okay that it's in both categories??)
working alone
when people don't laugh at my jokes!
long toenails 
interviews (but so tiring to go through the same old motions over and over and over again!) 

And remember the job offer I had a few weeks ago?  Well, I decided not to take the job!  And more importantly, I have a job interview next Tuesday.  This will be my THIRD job interview with CRISTA ministries in Shoreline.  And I have written about my previous two interview experiences HERE and HERE.  I obviously didn't get the other two jobs, but this one feels different.  And I get nervous just typing that because who really knows, but what I do know is that I am excited for this interview!  And quite frankly, that's all I can ask for right now right?

I applied for the job the beginning of August, and someone contacted me a few weeks ago simply informing me that the process may take longer than normal considering they will be out of town for a week.  But they just wanted me to know that I was a candidate and they would be contacting me for an interview.  Well, I wrote back as soon as I got the chance letting them know how thankful I was for their email.  I mean who does that??  They didn't have to do that, but they did, and it was so very appreciated!  And that one reply led to a week long email conversation.  He asked me about my life and I asked him about how he got started.  I did a bit of stalking on the CRISTA website and discovered that he has 8 children and I think he might be married to an Australian? And I also discovered that one of my professors for my Masters program is one of his colleagues.  And then before we knew it we were setting up an interview for next Tuesday.

So I am excited not only about the interview, but also about the little bit of soul searching I have been doing this past month!  I have really taken the time to re-evaluate my job application tactics.  See - for awhile there I was applying to anything and everything that seemed slightly interesting, and it was overwhelming.  

And then I found that I was getting myself into tough situations. Someone deemed me qualified for a position, thus it only made sense that they wanted to interview me, but I didn't really want the job, thus I didn't even want to interview for it!  Don't get me wrong I was so grateful for hte interview offers and the interview experiences, but it is exhausting, especially if you are interviewing for something you don't really want.  And this has happened to me people!  You may be sitting there shaking your head, as my husband has many times when I have come to him with my dilemma, but I suppose that's what happens when you live by my job philosophy..."It doesn't hurt to apply!"  Well it's true - it doesn't hurt to apply, but it just might be a waste of your time and theirs!  

So this past month I have changed my job philosophy from "It doesn't hurt to apply!" to "Does this job get you closer to your goal??"  What is my goal you might ask?  Ultimately, I would love a job within the global health/global development realm, thus when I apply for a position I have been asking myself these questions...

"Is this a step in the right direction?"
"Will this look good on my resume?"
"Is this ACTUALLY something I would be interested in?"
"Would I be excited to interview for this?"

And the questions, I suppose, are endless.  But I have been reading this thing on Idealist called Idealists guide to non-profit careers for first-time job seekers, and it has been really helpful!  But I should also note that it is really long and a little wordy, but some of the chapters are fantastic. And it makes me feel like I am back in school again with all the reading, writing and networking I am doing!  And by the time I find another position, I will officially be able to say that I have successfully completed the course, Job Searching 101 (I am not really taking this as a class, but it wouldn't be a terrible idea to be honest!)  

And this is a question I have been asked countless times over the past few months - "So tell us...what are your strengths and weaknesses?"  For some people this question may actually be really easy to answer, but for me, this is a question I always stumble over.  I mean you don't want to build yourself up too much with your strengths and come off seeming arrogant.  And then in that same breath you are asked to touch upon your weaknesses.  Well everyone has them, and I know I do, but which ones do I mention in hopes of demonstrating some form of humility while also trying not to destroy my chances with the job?

And I do know a few of my strengths and weaknesses, but I wanted to hear what other people had to say.  So I sent out an email to those near and dear to me asking them to speak to my character - all of it, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and the responses were fantastic!  They provided me with some new insight into myself and it was fun to see just how well people knew me - all of me, the good, the bad, and the ugly! And the best part is...I have even used some of their responses in interviews.  

So I will close this post with a few of their thoughts...

Let's start with the Weaknesses...
  • reluctant to take on leadership roles - this was from one of my childhood friends, and I loved it because not much has changed over the years and it's still so very true today!
  • stayed too long in a job in which I was comfortable and successful, but not passionate.
  • improvising - this was also from the same childhood friend, and she gave some EXCELLENT examples!  She stated that I am most comfortable in situations where there are clear expectations, and maybe that's why I always loved my class syllabi's.
  • And I loved this one because it's really true..."You are passionate, but I suppose if someone didn't know you well, your passion could be intimidating or construed as over-eager."

And the Strengths...
  • perceptive, HONEST, vulnerable, empathetic, humorous, loyal, generous
  • dedicated, passionate, focused, team player, professional, reliable
  • exceptional customer service skills and multitasking abilities, strong administrative skills
  • meticulous, thorough, and organized, great communication skills

And this last one was a strength that could also be a weakness.  

"I believe you have a fundamental urge to question the status quo, an ever-present restlessness when it comes to accepting the way things are or must be.  This is more a strength than a weakness, because it means that (as long as you channel the energy of discontent), you function as a catalyst for change and a source for new perspective in any given context.  It becomes a weakness potentially when it prevents you from having patience with the process of change when it is slower than you would like it to be.  It is a potential weakness also when it drives you to critique without engaging in the processes of change."

This one was from one of my graduate professors, and definitely one of my favorites.  But then again, who am I kidding, I loved every single response, especially the weaknesses.  

So try it - make a list and take a risk by asking others to contribute to your list.  They just might surprise you by how well they know you and I can guarantee they would provide you with some new insight!

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