October 4, 2011

My last days.

I feel terrible that I have yet to write about this because it is SUCH great news, but better late than never right?  I HAVE A NEW JOB!  And I am super excited about it, but I feel as though that deserves a post of it's own for another day.

And today I want to write about my last days.

My first day at the new job is next Monday, thus yesterday was my last Monday, today is my last Tuesday, and tomorrow will be my last Wednesday at my present job.

And when I woke up yesterday, Peter kindly reminded me that it was my last Monday, and while at work, my boss called reminding me once again that it was my last Monday.  I found myself slightly bothered by the finality of it all, but it's a reality I suppose and they are only speaking the truth, thus I must fully embrace the reality of my last days.

Yesterday was my last Monday, and today is my last Tuesday, and tomorrow is my last Wednesday and that's the reality of it all.

However, even amidst the excitement of a new job, I am closing a chapter of my life and experiencing the grief that goes along with that.  I have worked at my present job on and off for something like eight years.  These people are like my family!  They have walked alongside me through various stages in my life, through my college years and sorority days, through wedding planning and pre-marriage days as well as post-marriage days, through graduate school and post graduate school, and they have walked alongside me through the job search.  The end of our time together was simply inevitable, but it still doesn't take away the slight ache in my heart.

Thus, it only made sense that I literally started crying as I shared the news with my boss.  The conversation went something like this...

Me (via the phone):  Hi...just wondering if you were coming in today?
Boss:  Yeah ...I will be there in a few hours.
Me:  Well...I wanted to be able to tell you in person, but I can't wait any longer to tell you....THEY OFFERED ME THE JOB!!  And they want me to start on the 10th of October.
Me (sniffle, sniffle):  And I am really excited, but it just makes me sad all the same.
Boss:  Are you crying??  Oh Malia, this is great news!  It was inevitable, but it doesn't mean I won't miss you all the same.
Me (sniffle, sniffle):  Okay - glad I got that off my chest!  I'll see you later.

And I have to say - it has been really hard telling my coworkers that I will be working elsewhere.  A whole lot harder than I ever imagined it would be.  Of course they are excited and of course they knew the end was coming, but it still doesn't take the slight ache away or the slight pain in their eyes as I tell them the news.  It is all slightly emotional - they are happy for me, but sad to see me go and the glistening of their eyes says it all.

Last week my boss' mother came into work, and she was all sorts of emotional which just made me emotional and our conversation went something like this...

The mother:  So, I heard some bad news!
Me:  What??
The mother (eyes glistening, sniffle, sniffle):  I heard you are going to be leaving us.  You will be so dearly missed!!  It just won't be the same without you.
Me (eyes glistening):  Don't you do this...don't you dare cry on me!

These people are like my family, thus it only makes sense that everyone, including myself, is slightly emotional about me leaving.  But my time has come, and the Lord has been so very faithful, and I am excited about this next chapter even if it does pain me a little to leave.

I feel so very blessed to have shared so much of my young adult life with such wonderful people. Thank you Jesus for such an amazing group of women to work with!  Thank you Jesus for this wonderful chapter in my life!  Thank you Jesus for new opportunities and a new group of amazing people to work with!

I feel so very BLESSED.  And here's to my last Tuesday!

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