April 24, 2012

An Extravert.

One of my coworkers told me today that I must be a true extravert.

I have been thinking about this all day - what does that even mean?  Don't get me wrong - I love spending time alone.  I love to read and write, and let's be honest, those things are quite often best done alone.  As much as I love these things, I have realized this past month that I truly LOVE spending time with people! It energizes me, and this hasn't always been the case, but this is where I find myself today.

This past month we have been busy...busy ...busy.  And as tiring as that can be, it has been truly energizing this month.  We have spent some really good quality time with some fabulous friends and cooked all sorts of interesting items and enjoyed some delicious desserts.  We have laughed ALOT this month and made some beautiful memories.  And I have fallen even more in love with my husband - we love having people over, and if I must say so myself, we make a great hosting team!

Peter was out of town for a week the beginning of the month, and I think I had plans every night except for one.  It slightly overwhelmed me to think about the week ahead, but then when I would think about each day and the delightful way I was to spend my evening - I would get so excited!  As much as I missed my husband, spending time with friends and family truly made the time fly by - thank goodness.  And as much as I love my friends and family - no one can take the place of my darling husband, Peter.  Let's just say I was slightly ecstatic to pick him up at the airport!!

Peter and I have been blessed so abundantly with such a beautiful community of friends, and this month we have simply been reveling in that beauty.  I crave time with my friends simply because it does energize me ...and if that makes me an extravert - then i'll take it any day!

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