May 23, 2012

Online Shopping.

I don't know about you all, but I don't really do a ton of online shopping.  I mean I have bought books online, but definitely not too much beyond that.  But if I am completely honest, I slightly prefer online shopping.  I think it makes shopping a whole lot easier and perhaps slightly more enjoyable for me when I don't have to fight the crowds and wander through the shops in a mall.  I would much rather wander the shops online in my own home.

But it does make me a little nervous to buy clothing items online without trying them on, especially when you are paying for shipping!

All things aside, I took a chance recently, and purchased a book, of course, along with a few other treasured items, one of them being a clothing item.

I have been wanting to buy this book for ages (more on that later), and I finally gave in, with Amazon gift card in hand!!

I wrote about these next two items a few weeks ago.  And you better believe I went out and bought them online, of course, but only after perusing ALL the reviews and finally landing on the best deals/options.

I found these little ribbon hair tie treasures on Etsy.  You can buy them in the stores, but I found this great deal on Etsy - and I purchased a grab bag of 20 for $10, but I found an even better deal after purchasing which was 25 for $11.50.  You may be thinking 25??  What am I going to do with that many?  Well I have given quite a few of them away as little gifts, and I think I only have 10 left in my personal collection.  And 20 for $10 is obviously the better deal, than let's say 8 for $8, and who doesn't love a good deal right?  I know I sure do!

And my second online purchase was this grey Coobie Bra.  Sorry boys - but I don't think too many of you read this thing! I LOVE this new item and it only cost $18, which I would have to say is extremely reasonable for a bra, especially this comfy one.  You can even alter the straps so that they crisscross in the back.  This is probably one of my best online purchases of all time, well thus far at least.  So I thought I should share it with all of you!

This is the Front.

And this is the Back.

Does seeing this make you want one?  They come in ALL sorts of colors!  Here's to more online clothing purchases in the future.  Happy Shopping ya'll!



1 comment:

  1. I've been seeing the hair ties a LOT lately and finally caved and ordered some via the link you posted. Excited to get them and be part of the "in" crowd. ;)


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