July 16, 2012

It's the Little Things.

I'm back and I have all sorts of posts in waiting.  But let's start with a brief recap.  This week has truly flown by!  But it sure was a blessed one!  So let me give you a bit of a recap for those who care...

I got my hair done weeks ago.  Now that I don't work at a salon anymore, I must say, my hair maintenance has been put on the back burner, and it's BAD.  I hadn't had my hair colored in 6 months, and I decided it was TIME considering i started to notice little silver hairs at the hairline, and I was pulling them out with tweezers.  And I decided I didn't want to do that anymore, so I made myself a hair appointment.  I love going into that place - and I miss those women SOO much.  I think I was there for 3 hours and in that time frame I read probably 10 magazines, and got a bit of a haircut - not only is grown out my new best friend but so are split ends.  I can honestly say, I have never seen split ends like mine - it was bad, but I didn't want to cut off too much of my hair.

Here is the before...and the after.  Don't know if you can really tell the difference...but check out those roots on the left compared to those on the right.

What else?  I have been doing Bar method workouts at home...yes it may sound silly, but it works!!  I just watched a few videos on youtube and chatted with a few friends that are doing it, and combined all my new wisdom.  And I must say, I got a workout!  And I was sore!  And this picture is proof that I even worked up a sweat - note the glistening stuff on my face.

Peter and I had dinner at Revel - thanks to a gift certificate we were given as a reward for dog sitting!  Best gift EVER!  It was delicious and we had SUCH a fabulous time together!  We truly don't do that enough.  I must say I was a little skeptical simply because it's Korean food, and I don't think I have ever had Korean food, and if I have...I have never had Korean food like this!  Can't wait to go back and HIGHLY recommend it.  We didn't get pictures of our dinner but we did get pictures of our fancy drinks.

And this post wouldn't be complete without a mention of our deck project.  I'm only going to post a few pictures because project really warrants a post of it's very own!  A few weekends ago, I suggested we finally redo our deck!  I was feeling a little guilty because we hadn't done a house project in awhile, and although we have been in our house for one year - we still have alot of little projects we would love to complete, such as the bathroom, new windows, painting the house, redoing the walkway, redoing the front entryway, creating some type of a parking spot for our second car, and the list could go on.  And even after a full day of work, I can honestly say I'm just not cut out for manual labor.  I think I complained every hour on the hour...oh it's hot, oh i'm tired...how much longer??  Blah, blah, blah...I think you get the point!  Anyhow, I can say that I do love participating a little bit and I absolutely love seeing the final product, but I sure am a complainer!!  Thank goodness my husband is so patient with me.

And for a brief garden update...we have roses, potatoes, peonies, tomatoes, cherries, and sugar snap peas, carrots, broccoli, green beans, zucchini/pumpkin/spaghetti squash (not sure what it is to be honest!!), apples, blueberries, blackberries, green peppers, and our dahlias are starting to bloom!  I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but we have begun to harvest the potatoes, sugar snap peas, cherries.  Still waiting on everything else to grow a bit more before we pluck them from their home in the garden!  Stay tuned!
So now you have a little taste of what's been going on in our lives over the past few weeks!  



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