September 24, 2012

Little Buddy: 19 weeks!

Little buddy is 19 weeks, and he is definitely on the move!  I can feel him in there which is CRAZY!  It's like little butterfly flutters and something (more like someone) doing flip flops in my tummy.  Can't wait till the baby really starts moving in there and Peter is able to feel him!

Baby is about the size of a large heirloom tomato or a mango, depending on which website you are looking at!  Guess little buddy looks like a mango dipped in cheese due to the greasy white stuff, called vernix caseosa, that covers little buddy's skin, protecting him from the amniotic fluid.  LB is weighing in at 8.5 ounces and 6.0 inches long!  Baby is growing BIG time over the next few weeks and months.  I think some website I read stated that from the second trimester on, I will gain 3-4 pounds per month.  I can't wait to start showing more to be honest, and I know I say that now, and in a few months, I'll probably be saying, oh how I miss those early days when that baby belly was small and I was comfortable.

They say LB's sensory development is exploding!  And some research shows that LB may be able to hear my voice now - think last week may have said something along the same lines!  His arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of his body.  And his kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on his scalp is sprouting!!  Little buddy has hair!  I can't believe it.  I wonder what color it is??  Getting more and more excited to meet little buddy in real life and to see who he looks like!

On another note - I have been feeling great!  And I have been sleeping a bit better, using tons of pillows.  I have been exercising a fair bit with walks and short runs.  And I probably pushed myself a little too far yesterday, with a long walk accompanied by a short run, some lunges and some squats with weights later in the evening, and let's just say my butt and thighs are feeling those lunges and squats today!  I suppose I should do those more often?  Lunges were hard - I felt all off balance and slightly top heavy or middle heavy?  Or maybe even both?  And I am still fairly slow with my runs, but it just feels so good to be running!

I have started scratching my belly and rubbing it alot.  And I have had a few dizzy spells.  In regards to symptoms I have yet to experience...They say I should be experiencing leg cramps, and I'm not at all.  Don't even know what that feels like.  They say I should be hungrier, and I'd have to say that's not true for me either to be honest.  They also say constipation may be an issue during pregnancy and possibly around this time, and that's definitely not an issue right now nor has it EVER been.  So we shall see with that one!  Have yet to experience backaches or see any stretch marks, but I'm sure my time will come for BOTH of those!

And in the meantime, as little buddy grows, I am enjoying being able to still wear my pre-pregnancy clothes.  And I am cherishing these small moments of victories - like running a few miles, wearing the clothes while I still can, and the lack of the usual pregnancy symptoms.

Until next week,


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