I had an upgrade a few months ago, but my husband's longing for a new and improved smart phone won out over my desire to have one at all - so he was the one that ended up with the new phone! He knew EXACTLY what he wanted and had done a ton of research. I wrote about his first phone in this post here, and I am just now realizing he didn't even have that phone a year! I think I have had my phone for about 4 years or maybe even more? I have been through 3 of the exact same phones - they keep breaking on me and I keep putting them back together or taking them back to the store, only to walk out with the exact same phone.
I'm okay with change, but I just don't feel the need to have all sorts of gizmos on my phone as long as Peter has all those gizmos on his own phone. But I think my husband is getting slightly tired of me stealing his phone to take pictures to send to myself to post on the blog - and I think he just might be counting down the months until I get my own phone that is smart!
But, if I am honest, I am a little reluctant to forgo the flip phone and leave the shop with something slightly more advanced. I don't know how I feel about having email access all the time? I mean I will constantly be entertained by my phone...I can peruse websites, read blogs, play games, take pictures, whenever it strikes my fancy. How will I ever be bored?
I don't want to become one of those people that's always on my phone...checking my email all the time - how do I not become that person? I would appreciate any and all advice at this point...
I must say, yes I am slightly reluctant to own one of those things, but there are a few features that I am super excited about, such as the GPS component and the camera! It is NOT uncommon for me to get lost, so I cling to my directions and now when I go somewhere I'm not familiar with...I have to go home, get directions off my computer, write them down or print them out and take them with me on my drive. And with a smart phone, as many of you know, you can do all this while you are on the go! What a blessing! And a woman will even talk to you and navigate your every move. I wish I could say I will never get lost again once, but let's be honest, it's probably slightly inevitable.
I hardly use our fancy camera anymore - it's easier just to steal Peter's phone out of his hands to snap a photo and email it to myself than it is to take the fancy camera out of the closet and out of the bag and upload it to the computer. And now you have Instagram and all these other fancy photo editing options, and if I'm honest, the phone pictures sometimes turn out better than the actual camera pictures. Plus, I love the idea of having a camera on me ALL the time! I miss so many photo ops simply because I have a flip phone.
Only a few more months until the big change...wish me luck!
My only advice is get a smart phone with a good camera before that baby comes! I love having photos on hand at all times that show the story of Norah's life. I take way more pictures because the phone us usually at my finget tips. Oh... and the video too! Love it!